Configure new database connection
Hello Team,
I wanted to create another DB string but option is not visible, please checl
I am waiting feedback
Nikhil Pawar
4 Replies
how do i create multiple database string, i am unable to create
I have responded to your support ticket
We're facing a Prisma connection issue in our accelerator setup. We're using our production server privately with a NAT gateway, but our security policy blocks Prisma's database access. We think using an API key instead of the connection string might work. Is there a way to enable Prisma access?
Hi @nikhilpawar
You can use Prisma Accelerate with static IP support. This allows you to limit database access to specific IP addresses, ensuring secure connections. You can enable static IP support in two ways:
1. When enabling Accelerate for your project environment, opt-in to static IP after specifying your database connection string and connection pool region.
2. For projects already using Accelerate, enable static IP by navigating to Accelerate settings in your project environment.
Update Your Database Firewall: After enabling static IP, you will receive a list of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Add these IP addresses to your database firewall IP allowlist to permit access from Prisma Accelerate.
Enable Static IP for Prisma Accelerate | Prisma Documentation
Learn enabling Static IP for Prisma Accelerate.