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All posts for Modular
Mojo Language Server (NeoVim)
This channel is now read-only – please post in the forum instead
Serialize / deserialize (to JSON)
Use async Python library?
Admin, please help
Why is this step mandatory?
How To Get Max On Arch Linux
Quick question on available data structures in Mojo
Parallelize in Mandelbrot example do not use all physical cores of an Intel Core i9 CPU
Problems while passing function pointers to FFI
Does Mojo have a null safety feature like Dart?
Mojo/MAX vs OpenAI Triton
Asynchronous functions: how to use in mono?
serve: command not found
List setItem vs append crashing?
Help with meido's modular English patch for a game
Installing via Magic script
Compilation with constant lookup table
Any plans to release mojo vscode extension to openvsx?
Conditional Conformance Based on Origin
Problem with simple card shuffle program
How to start move my project to mojo?
Mojo Error: Unable to find suitable c++ compiler for linking
Using BMI (pext_u64 and pdep_u64) in Mojo
Issues with ```mojo build``` accross different OSes (fedora 42, debian 12 bookworm)
An question about compile-time parameters
Issue when running `mojo test --debug`
More NVIDIA GPU Support coming?
Hey there,
Is there a way to reflect changes to a variable in the reference?
Is there a way to package a python code run under mojo compiler as an executable on android?
Channel for Jupyter/Mojo issues?
Why is `"\0A"` the default `end` value for `print`?
Mojo for-loop performance
Try finally when opening a file
Run into telemetry issue
After installing magic and running 'magic init (...)', getting Error launching 'mojo': No such file
Mojo for Building Applications or mostly Data Science?
Support for Intel AMX
Current NEOVIM config
Required resources for AI model training.
Max 24.6 try to start Jupyter with nightly instead of the release version
Is the Mojo team working w/ the core Python team?
Starting with Mojo
What is the best option for arrays (fix-sized)?
Telemetry Data @ the command line
List memory preallocation
error: '' not found
Strange CLI Hang
Max/Mojo license question
Mojo equivalent of Python class parameters
Are there benchmarks available for llama 3.1 8b running on max?
`tensor.tensor.Tensor`, `max.tensor.Tensor` or `max.driver.Tensor`?
Single Executable Binary just like Go Lang?
I don't quite understand the overall concept of MLIR
One liner to open "magic shell" + "magic build"
Compile time float pow is crashing, is there a proper way to do this?
Will MAX GPU or NPU support come to Qualcomm xelite chips?
Is it possible to get the origin of `strs` in `fn name(*strs: String)`?
How should I be loading the `get_scalar_from_managed_tensor_slice` kernel?
Has anyone ever seen this error
Question about the FFI, unsafe_cstr_ptr, and PathLike
Tried the new Max custom_ops examples with my RTX 3050 and using CPU
Is there a way in Mojo to know the type of a variable/object ?
Unable to use PyTorch from Mojo
cannot return reference iwth incompatible origin
Mojo in CMD.
What are the best practices for handling slices and their performance in Mojo?
Is there a ticket to follow for regex in mojo?
Publish mojo package
Passing a Slice to a function
Max Installation (Arch Linux)
How to configure execution arguments for mojo-lldb in VSCode
I can no longer post in the other channels
Why is alias U8 = Dtype.uint8 not a type?
linker error: library not found when running mojo build
When can we expect gpu kernels in mojo?
What is the correct way to call polynomial_evaluate?
Arena Allocated Coroutines
Confused with conv2d op
1 Billion nested loop iterations Mojo Implementation - seeking feedback
Help I have skill issues
Cannot start a mojo REPL in WSL
magic stuck on updating lock-file (loading repodata)
Intel based Macs
Is unpacking variadic arguments coming soon?
MNIST slower on MAX than on Pytorch
Mojo old version installation
Mojo crashpad issues
Passing method references to high-order functions
The Mojo Approach to Performance Programming
Bug or Feature
Using the input function will cause Mojo to crash.
command not found
Error 403 when 'magic init`
does mojo have access modifiers
How do I build with debug symbols on the stdlib?
does mojo have any graphics api binding ? like webgpu or opengl ?
Getting jupyter lab to run mojo on Apple Silicon
Exploring the legal limits of MAX
How are Integers implemented in Mojo?
An alternative model for lifetimes in Mojo
What is the difference between fn(inout v: T) and fn(ref v: T) ?
Modular on Bluesky
Exploring Mojo for Real-Time AI Voice Call Solutions
is there a way I can convert a list to a SIMD vector?
Vale Status
Clarification on the Meaning of Python Superset
Has anyone tried to get an LLM to code in Mojo, or convert Python into Mojo?
Parallelize Issue
Install Mojo/Magic
Will Mojo ever become fully free and open source?
Struct containing a list of itself?
Compile time facilities
Can I port my Python lib to Mojo?
State of Mojo on WASM?
Most efficient way to check for tictactoe board win
Error running example
anyone know why I might be this error about TorchInputSpec:
Posix compliant Mojo Shell?
Compiling a dynamic/static library
How Unsafe/Safe is this code?
How can I see the peak memory usage of a datastructure like alist in mojo?
Mojo documentation says "The Mojo compiler uses lifetime values to track the validity of references.
Using Mojo For Back-end Web Development
What pointer lifetime to use when iterating through a tree?
Error when running Mojo when path contains # (hash)
Canonical way to add NuMojo to a Mojo project?
Preserving mutability when passing to function
Python integration: address not mapped to object
Creating files from code
Pyserial-like communication in Mojo
dict containing sets?
Could Mojo be the first all purpose language?
modifying runtime value from @parameter scope crashes the compiler
Segfault when `Tuple.get()` rebinds
why does this String init work without len?
Global variable support?
why is this return a copy?
Not sure why these strings are missing the last char
List of references in Mojo
mojo compile is non-deterministic ? (video)
print breaks code
List of SIMD bug
alias and os.getenv
How do safe Reference and List work together?
Fastest way to count trailing zeros from a SIMD[Bool,32]?
How to publish on github in these magic times
Error on magic self-update
Magic/Mojo on MacOS 12 not supported?
Does Mojo implements the Debug Adapter Protocol?
Reshape MAX API OP giving error
Is there a disdain for Rust from the Mojo team?
Value Semantics and async code
Mojo vs Rust memory safety
threading in mojo
How to use mojo in jupyter notebook with the new magic based installation of max-mojo?
How to improve the performance of formatting output
how to use Buffer?
Do you guys want docs to help contributors?
Using structs that inherit from a specific trait as a type?
Is there something I’m not understanding about the Mojo memory model?
Runtime Reflection in Mojo?
Is auth not working for me?
How do i access TensorDict.items?
How to prevent compilation when parametric conditions fail?
LLVM ERROR: out of memory
Is there any mutex available in the stdlibs?
Verification Failed - I'm human
Calling methods from list indexes
How to get unix timestamp?
map vs parallelize vs sync_parallelize
Distinction Between map, parallelize and sync_parallelize
ARM support
How to solve failed to solve the pypi requirements?
Assigning additional traits to Variants
Linux Mint.
MOJO embeded
More details on `TaskGroup` and async
"Linking" structs together?
Is there a Struct type or something similar?
looking for spec recommendations for provisioning MAX on RHEL8 using an 8GB VRAM A100 #MAX
What does the keyword `capturing` do?
How to define nested dict function
Creating a mojo version of Tauri(Rust)/Wails(Go) that integrates Webview?
permission denied using `magic run`
How can I use a fixed-size integer type to index a list?
Using the .append() method on structs
Compile to Shared Library
Int64 doesn't implement EqualityComparableCollectionElement?
parallelize and @parameter issue in Mojo 24.5
Define Tuple with PuthonObject
Testing a package in latest nightly
Segmentation Fault Core dumped
Example of parallel computing
MAX for fixed-function hardware
Mojo equivalent to Rust's phantom type
to_numpy with Mojo 24.5
Conditional parameter evaluation
Setting up SDL2 with Mojo on WSL
Copy numpy data to UnsafePointer
How can I convert String to StringLiteral
C/C++ Interop
Removing a mojo project
Importing python modules
Adding a .mojo or .🔥file to a magic project
Shared Object Support?
Simd size greater than max supported by processor
Installing Mojo on WSL?
vectorize functional VS SIMD regular ops
Just learn Mojo?
What's the thing with global variables?
always_inline and struct problem
How to random int ??
Can Mojo support hot reload in debugging session?
shift right/left in max graphs custom ops
Affiliate program.
Why not separate Parameters and Generics?
Dynamic Shapes to MAX GRAPH API
Usage of mojo test
mojo-lsp-server crashing
?Missing? API Docs for MAX/gRPC/Kserve?
Energy usage benchmarks?
Offline Kaggle Install
Grok-2 with Mojo.
Reading Tensor From File
Mojo Build size
Struct wrapping Python object
Is MAX real-time safe? (Or can it be configured to be?)
Interacting with Desktop Files such as .pdf documents
Reliability of Niche Optimizations
Possibility or timeline for backend framework for Mojo.
Is this broken or is it me? Parameterized function alias...
Autodiff For Mojo
What type is the Mojo Parser? PEG?
Error while importing local python file
Its possible to create SIMD vector at runtime
Is there a (N-D) contiguous data structure for non-trivial structs?
Difficult Trait Conformance
Interfaces or Abstract Classes
How can I write asynchronous code?
How to overload methods of generic structs to target particular types
Any way to work around that capturing closures cannot be materialized as runtime values?
Hey All! I'm trying to convert an existing python code into mojo which uses jpype for java interop
Working LinkedList using pointers
How to delete/uninitialize a variable in mojo when running through notebooks
Why doesn't this work for creating lists?
max engine leaking?
Bug or optimisation
Matrix Multiplication (matmul): `numpy` hard to beat? even by mojo?
Is Mojo suited for developing optimization algorithms like genetic algorithms?
Mojo extension in Vscodium
Is there any documentation for Mojo MLIR dialect(s)?
MOJO for Visual Studio IDE?
multi-thread / async synchronization primitives?
Anyone here has tried using Mojo with local Whisper from OpenAI?
SSL/TLS Support?
Mojo WASM target?
Http client library
Create shorter name for sturct attribute without transfering ownership
Returning references
How to initialize a tensor[DType.int8] with random values of either: -1, 0, or 1?
Tensor Transposition
SNPE in Mojo
Torch model is dynamic but does not have input specs set! Please set input specs before
Determine Pointer Location
What github actions are folks using for CI?
UnsafePointer & Structs
Fixed Point
crypto lib
MAX on Arch Linux?
Does Mojo have inline assembly?
Would you be interested in BigInt support?
I do not know why the output is like this!
mojo windows
Iterating over unknown sizes
Unable to run the kmean blog example.
Mojo nightly auth
Any Plans for SPIR-V/OpenCL Support?
Regular packages for Linux and installation without login
How to get a string out of an __mlir_type.i256 ?
Traits with compile-time SIMD size
Specialize on trait
software cost estimating
Seeking Clarification on Current and Future Tensor Library Support in Mojo
Parameterized function definitions in traits
How to declare a function type in a trait?
About lifetimes
Benchmarking code that raises
example of python code calling a mojo lib and its mojo code
Google TPUs with Mojo language?
Importing package in test
How to understand Mojo's compiler optimization capabilities?
Can I use Mojo🔥 for web development and app development?
max modules import error while running bert python torch script
error running bash after installing max
UnsafePointer[T].initialize_pointee_copy error
list of pre-implemented models?
dynamic traits are not supported yet
Mandelbrot example equivalent python code
Best way to make a struct of CollectionElements to conform to CollectionElement.
Can mojo generate llvm files while compiling?
Question about iterating a list of strings
^ in mojo documentation?
equivalents of beartype and jaxytping? for runtime static type checking and shape checking
Time taken in Inference session
How to iterate through an array/list?
Stackdumps when using Python libraries such as scipy from mojo
What features or libraries are you waiting for before you start using Mojo in your domain?
Seeking Advice on Porting Python Classes to Mojo Structs
Is it possible to store a list of References in Struct?
LLVM Intrinsics
deleted message by Mojo-Bot
Google Protobuf
tqdm progress bar for Mojo?
Why are you using Mojo?
math.atan funtion not working on compile time
What is the basis for Mojo's `async`?
Roadmap for classes, dynamic polymorphism ...
We are producing a Chinese version of Mojo learning materials. Can it be officially recognized?
Mojo for Evolutionary Algorithms
Is it possible to convert an Int to a String at comp time?
Benchmark Analysis
How to Install Mojo previous versions?
x86 Intrinsics
Max Engine Understanding
JSON Parser?
How to implement Dependency Injection in Mojo?
Logging and string formatting
MAC Docker Setup - Could someone help with it?
Python integration and performance
are we fire yet
C/C++ Interpol
How to initialize an empty List[String]
How to take user input form the terminal?
VS-Code local imports
Discord timestamps
Code Verbosity
Regular Expression Engine for Mojo, any plans?
Why is this in-place operation not modifying the Python object in-place?
Will mojo support JIT compilation?
How to read args from environment
Will mojo upstream its borrow checker to llvm?
can we take advantage of mojo / max platform to speed up model fitting?
Assigning slice of a tensor to a variable?
what can I really do with mojo at the moment?
mojo compiler implementation
Passing a trait as a parameter to `Dict`?
Printing at compile time
What UnsafePointer can point to and allocate mem for?
Classification on the Cloud
What's the status of Mojo for compile-time validation?
Trait `Comparable`
Mojo test
Mojo VS Code LSP Issue: Unsupported server configuration
Mojo and AWS.
type conversion between alias types
Return with move semantics
How to efficiently sum a SIMD
convert error: 'Int' to 'IntLiteral' trying to implement the FloatLiteral.__round__(ndigits) method
Can it boost model training on CPU (currently using pytorch lightning)
RayTracing example - __add__ method (dunder methods)
Are Python codes written in mojo file compiled to native image?
sort with custom `cmp_fn`
When will installation packages be supported instead of requiring login and being online?
Can not find auth_key for docker usage
How to deal with the lack of struct inheritance in Mojo
Efficient Mojo Tensor To Numpy Array Conversion
Passing functions to functions.
Is Mojo support Scikit Learn, TensorFlow, Pytorch library yet?
Removing Python dependencies
Type State Pattern
def in Mojo
effects system?
About PyTensor
voice channels
Accessing C struct members from external_call
Game Engine in Mojo?
SIMD or Int what should I use ?
vectorize changes the result of float operations
Can I contribute to Mojo Lanaugage in github?
Future of Literals. Are they going to be removed?
splitting vectorize and parallelize
What's the uri?
Optional string argument
What's the proper way to use List?
Transfer operator inside constructor and moveinit
Max Engine: Benchmark my model
Segmentation Error Occurring With Set Implementation
Easier way to sum a list of integers
pointer to pointer
Error when running modular install mojo
Iterating over Strings containing Unicode characters?
Mojo + Websam
I saw that mojo is not recommended for production environment? Why? Should I use Rust instead?
Confused New joiner with Modular
Debugging Issue with Mojo's VSCode Debugger
403 error while installing mojo
Check type of a variable
Question about Shell Commands
Optional function argument?
official package manager
What is Modular wanting from the community excluding feedback and bugs?
How to report a duplicate issue that was previously fixed & closed but has resurfaced?
Changelog for Mojo compiler
Less Ugly way to concatenate strings
Async function docs?
Lifecycle doc clarification
When opensource of Mojo on github?
Mojo libs and other
Is there a simple way to implement Numpy-style ndarray slicing on Mojo Tensors ?
How can we harness GPU parallelism using Mojo?
why Mojo
Parameters style guide
web server gateway interface
Does anyone think Mojo could be great for Game Development?
What does the asterisk in this mojo code mean? fn __init__(inout self, *, capacity: Int):
When do you plan to open-source "algorithms" module?
Returning a reference from a factory
MLIR Learning Resources
List os Dict
Using custom bitwidth MLIR integers.
Tensor Open Source
Are there any frontend libraries that currently support Mojo?
How to Create a Multi-Type List in Mojo?
Official Linux repositories
Can Mojo source code be compiled to generate mlir code later?
Questions relative to Mojo's optimization and speed
String to float
What is the mojo playground theme and can I use it in VS code?
Create a SIMD[DType.address] from a DTypePointer[T]
Compile Time UUID
Kotlin's extension function in Mojo?
What is the size of the Int type in bits?
Type independent traits
MODULAR_AUTH key not found
Mojo Dict: Store struct instances based on a common trait as CollectionElement.
Numpy: Import from source dir error
Quick Question on Traits
can i use wsl for mojo?
GRAPH API MOTensor not working
unable to load package '/Users/hammad/.modular/pkg/packages.modular.com_mojo/lib/mojo/stdlib.mojopkg
Debugger not stopping
Groq integration?
A custom language front end
Defining A DynamicVector containing References
Need Opinion! Best Practices for Directory Structure and Unit Testing in Mojo Library?
Disambiguation of a call to an overloaded function when the argument satisfies multiple signatures?
Mojo and Max installation issue
In-place replacement of struct fields
Mojo for heterogeneous compute
Call dynamic library functions
partially unbound parameters as return values?
Mojo implementation question regarding borrow checker
llama2.mojo to safetensors?
2 modules to handle paths
Development in mojo
struct allocation
Can't access the manual
Set breakpoint in Mojo code
Invalid Parameter to Vectorize from example
How to tell Mojo that something is intended to be constant?
mojo debug
Parallelize help (Running time increases a factor of 10 adding a "var += 1").
Mojo Safety Guarantees
Mojo integration with Rust
Mojo Source Code Repository
Modular auth key
SIMD Troubles ( SIMD[Bool,32] to Int32? and Getting a bit from every byte from SIMD)
AnyFunction type
Mojo Yolo?
How to disambiguates the call to `f`?
Question from a low level memory management noob
Anyone tried Zed with Mojo yet?
modular: error: manifest is invalid: expired
Traits from structs
Will Mojo Support constants after "let" is gone?
Fastest way to build string from dynamic values!
Why the name Mojo?
Py def vs Mojo fn
Is the return value getting copied or what?
Probably a very silly question...
How long until mojo is production ready(guesstimate)?
ARM64 Linux support
Help Needed with Accessing High-Resolution Time via FFI in Mojo
using mojo in python (not python in mojo)
Web sockets
Seeking Guidance and Best Practices for Lists and Tuples in Mojo Language
Is it possible to import modules from a local package into a custom package?
casting from smaller to larger integer
.o files?
If we talk about performance code, why is MLIR better than LLVM?
Networking library
Conditional typing of fields.
String to StringLiteral
Bytes-like object when using a python module
Big Integers?
Parallelization not working in Jupyter Notebook extension in VSCode on Linux Mint
Creating a string from a DynamicVector Drops the last character in the vector
Mojo `Dict` implementation choice
theres any oficial image to run mojo code or dockerfile?
Different outputs with random numbers
Is it possible to make this Discord indexable for web search?
Improving WebXR Performance/Multi threading Javascript Runtimes
Is Mojo a general-purpose language? Or an AI language?
Lisp (or other languages) on top of Mojo?
Printf - print format
python decorators
Char[X] equivalent in Mojo
Why is the dtype of `String`'s underlying storage `int8` and not `uint8`?
Unnecessary nan-checks: performance issue or missing compile options.
How to rewrite this code into something not ugly
`DynamicVector`, the name
Determining Tensor datatype at runtime
Will Mojo ever become Open Source?
Lisp/Julia style macros/codegen
Mojo + GC
Concurrency model
Virtual thread support? ("write async like sync")
pattern matching as switch - case
`atof` in Mojo?
JIT compilation in Mojo
Parameterized traits
Function Decorators
When do nested list feature in Mojo will be fixed?
Prevent inline
PI in math library?
how to use the python unittest library in mojo
What's the recommended way to develop using docker?
Trying to understand Parallelize
Use cases of references wrt value types?
Store Reference in struct
Mojo for front-end development.
DTypePointer to StaticTuple array
error: use of unknown declaration '_ZeroStartingRange'
Large static list storage
Custom LLVM Plugins during Mojo build
How do I use hash map indexing without try blocks
image processing
Is Rocky Linux the next OS to have native support?
import gpu.Function
When to use arguments over parameters
Set struct coming?
How to do recursive structs?
Will Mojo ever support multi variable tuple unpacking?
Failed to initialize crashpad
SDK without modular
Unsafe pointet to `let` and `alias` values
Copy-and-Patch compilation in Mojo
Tutorial / Example of targetting GPU with llvm_instrinsic or __mlir_op etc?
Jupyter - Import Custom Mojo Modules?
Segmentation Fault, Got Object when returning a Float
Rewrite Mojo in Mojo
Modverse this week?
Access Command Line arguments
Struct to/from json
use of unknown declaration 'Python'
how to use the gather function
Custom decorator
Handle errors like in Rust
initialise variadiclist with a python tuple
In which situation are IntLiteral, FloatLiteral, StringLiteral useful?
Create 1D array of objects
RealTime application for Mojo
how to set Modular_Home environment to appropriate path?
Vectors vs Tensors ?
Mojo for Game Development?
Mandelbrot simd_width clarification
How to read the Mojo documentation effectively
Mojo - Microcontrollers
Mojo for Blockchain.
Was there any specific reason for the current template syntax?
Alias does not work with raises String methods
How to use f-string in mojo
Does Mojo support fast-math flags?
Mojo Pointer to Python bytes?
convert UInt8 to UInt16
Python.import_module not working as expected
Reducing binary size
How to convert a byte to integer?
Dynamic Vector of objects
Counter-intuitive operator precedence
Safe pointers
Are coroutines executed in parallel?
Passing generics to DynamicVector
`The Mojo:fire: development environment was not found. If the Mojo SDK is installed, please set the
Are Type Hints Still Possible in Mojo?
Owned convention does not destroy variable after transferring ownership
When will Mojo support windows directly?
Pip Support
Adding __takeinit__ makes a difference in assignment
Python assert
Can someone help me with this error please
Documentation of .as_ptr and ._steal_ptr
any Windows + Vscode (using WSL2 as middle-man) guide?
Why doesn't __bool__ allow explicit conversion?
Usage examples within Mojo docs:
Autocomplete (tab) crashes playground kernel
TraitsRequiring Static Methods
Python w Mojo
Running Mojo executable at Alpine docker
Does a pragma exist to switch off `mojo format`
change in syntax for types declaration
How to convert string to float value?
Implementing a simple lookup matrix
When I type left round bracket code tabs to the left. Why?
TPU Architecture
Arg parser
Any ideas on implementing linked based structs in mojo?
How to cast SIMD when the size is known at compile time
Help with sort: it does not seem to do anything.
What to use for the permutation mask in SIMD.shuffle?
How to build the mojo packages for my hardware?
simd_load of Tensor with StaticIntTuple
Should a newcomer to writing highly performant code skip CUDA C++ ?
Get Date/Time in Native Mojo
c++ interop in executables
Difference between Float32 and DType.float32
Is Modular planning on implementing an official DL framework?
Building Shared and Dynamic library
can I implement a trait for a third party type?
Can anyone help me to solve this error.
Is it possible to push mojo code on GitHub?
Does anybody know how to setup monorepo on Mojo?
Compile Time Binary Tree in Mojo
Is StringLiteral intended for handling c strings?
Type conversion between basic types
Mojo + WebAssembly -> WASI-NN
Difference between a pointer and dtypepointer in mojo.
cannot install mojo
Unable to implement matrix multiplication on a large matrix
Should Tensor be a CollectionElement?
Term paper about Mojo - Open questions
What would be the target-triple to cross-compile for Graviton.
Can i have a list of structs with different parameters?
Can I have a struct hold a pointer to an another Self instance?
Distributing the binary as a docker image
Are literals splatted in SIMD Operations?
How does memcpy work in 0.6.0 ?
Will the special methods slowly transition to traits?
What is the performance impact of interop with python
will mojo include an all in one tool like cargo
Error when installing on M1 mac
Mojo GPU Syntax or specific GPU stdlib data types?
Compilation does not terminate for recursive function
boost c++ -> python -> mojo ?
Documentation for @staticmethod decorator
Mojo on ARM?
I’m unable to signup for MAX developer edition!
Trying to do compile time checking with 'const' type arguments.
Max Install
global variable declarations not consistent?!?!
Mojo on M1 Jupyter Notebooks which Python interpreter it uses when I say %%python?
Error handling like in Rust
Generating a new auth key
%%python not working
cellular automata
Personal blog post on Mojo
Meaning of "caching throughout the compilation flow"?
Advice on Nbabel benchmark with Mojo?
System crashes when running notebook using mojo kernel in vs code.
Python print statements don't seem to do anything when deployed to server
Mojo in VScode error
Errors for flow control?
Casting between DTypePointer[DType.uint8] and Pointer[UInt8] ?
Modular CLI Progress Bar
VS Code Path Issue
Compilation with Python?
Mojo REPL in weird terminals (Emacs shell)
Running code at GPU
how do i pass an dynamic vector as an arg to a python function?
Mojo on Arm
Are all Python libraries supported?
Is there Raspberry Pi support?
Null Operators
Should I Create a modular_home folder if it wasnt created?
How will the syntax look when mojo supports GPUs?
A Guide on the Translation from MLIR Syntax to Mojo Syntax
Understanding vectorisation and parallelisation of tensors
How do i make a function change the value of a dynamic vector?
Is there any known workaround for using external call with non-libc functions?
Failed installing Rockylinux 8.8, missing GLIBC 2.29 and GLIBCXX_3.4.26
Transition Guide from JAX to Mojo
when i run ubunto on windows
How does/will Mojo handle final classes?
HTTPS requests
How to implement the following simple comparison function
Encountering problem with `modular update mojo`
Opportunity for users to translate Mojo documents
Failing to run MOJO examples (Benchmark Package run method missing?)
Encountering problem with the modular install mojo command on windows 10 through ubuntu as shell
Creating Syntactic Sugar
Mojo FFI with Dart on smart phone Dart2Mojo
Cannot run a Fibonacci sequence function in the Playground.
Range of SIMD[DType, 1]
majo packages
VScode plug-in :the path to the modular_home containing the mojo sdk installation
Mojo in llm?
Differences between class and struct
Outputting Items in a tensor
Examples of Python code that will never work with Mojo?
My code is not working
Error debugging Mojo in Visual Studio Code
How to Implement Recursive data type
Fastest Matrix Multiplication
Where are the types documented?
Inspect and modify AST (eg of a simple function)
Has anyone tried implementing Reinforcement Learning in mojo yet?
SQL Database support
is it wise to start with Modular as your first language?
How run python code in mojo ?
Compile time properties?
tensorflow & opencv
Company Profitability
How do I use or import top-level python functions in Mojo?
Should the language server warn about this case?
Which libraries should I use for building an ANN with Mojo?
Writing a server in mojo
Code navigation in vscode
Confusion with owned integers
UniversalExceptionRaise - (os/kern) failure when running montecarlo with high number of samples
memory consumption
cannot bind generic !mlirtype to memory-only type
scope of iteration variable
Populating values of tensor
Mojo is faster using swap memory than regular Python is on RAM?
Is it possible to use gcc like compiler flags? (ex. -ffast-math)
Does this error mean that this python library can not be used in Mojo?
Trouble Installing Mojo
redefinition of symbol named '$< ... >'
I'm trying to convert my python scripts to Mojo...what's the type for a DataFrame in Mojo?
mojo and c++ interop
List of memory-only structs
MLIR syntax
Excited about the Mojo language! Are there any plans for JetBrains IDE support?
buffer function is no longer available for String ?
SIMD produces weird results without print statement at the end
Swapping pointers would cause memory problems ?
Are there any plans for native NDArray <-> Tensor interop support?
Independent Developers
Why Mac first, Windows second?
What kind of tools do people use to profile Mojo binaries?
error: Unable to locate a suitable libpython when running Mojo executable
Does owned make the variable copy on write?
Mojo debug support in VSCode
I get this error when installing Mojo on Mac:
Docker Container Issues
unable to locate module 'list'
Create a CSR
Problem installiing mojo on mac:
Module pymatmul not found
Is it possible to use MLIR dialects?
Does Mojo support CUDA?
Non-trivial parameter are not matched
Type system does not recognize that a literal int is equal to an Int alias
Does Mojo support virtual environments?
Cannot import Top level packages
How to store Struct(or string) into DynamicVector
How to trigger `cf.assert` MLIR operations?
Compile Mojo Python
Build options - supported platforms
Should we fuse Python's array class and mojo's DynamicVector's struct?
TOR-Client in Mojo
randn not working
`if` Statement doesn't work??? :astonished:
Cant install Mojo
Easy to install in offline enviroment, will mojo keep it and provide a package system ?
External Python dependencies and Mojo binaries
Will mojo let third parties handle the compiler distribution and packaging like python?
How to call function in share library
set() type
Const generics, a runtime or compile time construct?
Native in Windows of Mojo
Out of space when trying to install
How to re-access struct diagnostic display?
mojo IDE
How does Mojo balance fast compiles and providing zero-cost abstractions to the user?
trouble with mandelbrot example
What advantages does bring mojo for large models (whisper, llms)?
how to make an exe in mojo
Why does `*1e-3` return different results than `/1000`?
Refactoring from DynamicVector to a different data structure?
When will the keynote by Modular be delivered?
dont suppose anyone knows how to use modular to shard data and run it through a tpu?
Possible to get a meaningful time value?
cannot be copied into its destination
Provide a optional pure-python mode like Cython does to ease code sharing?
Error while installing Mojo 0.3.1
Will Mojo solve the Expression Problem?
Setting up modular home path for vscode
repl required
GUI libraries
What do you think about Uniform function calling syntax?
Mojo Versioning System
how to make an ai
mojo learning materials
Can't show the plot of matplotlib os Ubuntu!
how to use async in mojo?
Will Mojo Metaprogramming support Lisp/Julia Style Macros?
PyObject support
Can't find libpython
Bug in Typing
Is it possible to create a Discord bot with Mojo?
Can I load a mojo file on the REPL session like irb in ruby so I can execute function?
Can Mojo be installed on Linux Mint?
How can I create a Python list to add and remove structs?
How can I transform any Pyobject in form of Numpy array, int etc, into its type in mojo
Build .exe file Mojo
How does Mojo's compile-time interpreter work?
FIx error install mojo
keyword Arguments prob
Parallelism and multithreading
Mojo Auto-completion in vs-code
Saving/downloading notebooks from playground in ipynb format isn't there
mojo and distributed system
Can't return Self
Mojo and Spark
Mojo within a GPU enabled Docker container?
Timeline for C/C++ Interop, FFI
OS level package?
HOWTO fetch internet resources
NumPy Stacking error ->error: failed to run the pass manager
Mojo Bootcamp.
Raise returns a string?
Arch linux?
Why is overloading a function with different types not possible:
How to implement other classes in mojo
error: mojo: unable to resolve the lldb path
External call
Mojo installation got stuck
How to use Coroutine
How can I install mojo in codespce on github?
Multi threading in Mojo
Get list or tuple index by value.
support for existing Python c modules?
Deployment in a docker container
MLIR : does Mojo run on MLIR?
Any examples of algorithm.reduction.argmax usage?
Repl Error
Did the installation fail because I am using ARM Linux?
Type suffixing?
Example of ListLiteral -> Saves time for you
How are we supposed to run coroutines?
Is Mojo intended only for AI/ML, or can it also be used in robotics and web or app development?
python environments
Triton Dev Conference today?
Is there any time line on a JetBrains or PyCharm plugin?
Cannot create a `DTypePointer` from `pointer<scalar<...>>`
Bug, while loop Re-setting values?
What is difference between `__init__(...) -> Self` vs `__init__(inout self, ...)`?
Printing the type of a variable in Mojo
Cross-directory Imports
Global variable definition from a function?
Catch22 Support?
Pass variadic arguments or parameters?
Will Mojo be a multipurpose language?
Does Mojo already have a place to find libraries to install and use? Like a but f
Core Library Conversions - What has/will been done?
Mojo have a HashMap or Dict?
Module loading error
Is there a way to simulate stdin in Mojo?
Mojo Binary Sizes?
Installing mojo in ubuntu only works with root
Yolov8 support with mojo
GitHub Actions/Runner - Mojo
Calling mktime from mojo
Branchless way to convert bool to int?
Exit main
Pointer to a custom struct?
Gitpod. The better way to run Mojo remotely
How do I open files to read/write in Mojo?
Is struct inheritance implemented yet?
Can I use mojo instead of C++ for MLIR?
How to store PythonObject in DynamicVector?
Mojo Not Found in CLI
How do we import and use something like flask
plans for a net package?
Check types
Data type conversion
Error with method append with string
Python bug
How to use `raises`
When (if ever) can we expect arbitrary target support?
Will Mojo be a "true" systems programming language?
Will imported python modules eventually be compiled by Mojo instead of relying on the python env?
memory leak with DynamicVector
binary file size
Support for Linux is only Ubuntu
Plans for a package manager?
How to use Modulo?
Thread safety
string chars to uint8
Cannot run Mojo in VSCode notebooks
Mojo code to python?
How to type a callback?
newbie needs help with error messages
Print statement stops working after array instantiation
Can I call a (compiled) Mojo function from Python?
What is the correct way of serving restful api in short and long term in mojo?
how do you disambiguate function calls
What kind of list should I use to add struct instances
please add support for spacy and fastapi
GUI related stuffs
How to add an instance of a struct to a DynamicVector
__moveinit__ and __del__
interoperability for calls from Python to Mojo
`llvm.add` is interpreted as `llvm.addrspacecast`
Add documentation for Runtime
WSL2 - Mojo installation
Download Mojo
Mojo Install Hanging in Codespaces
cmd args parse
when will trait be available
unhandled exception
`len` of a `PythonObject`
Why the crappy system-breaking script for installation?
What parts of Mojo may not be open sourced?
Can Mojo be used to write trusted applications (e.g. postgres extension)
how to use modulus in mojo
Modular Engine status
How do I print UInt8 in hex format?
Mojo user input
Questions about Mojo AI
Compile time `U8`
How to build windows exe ?
Is there a docker image? I have a debian x86-64 server I could use ..?
I'd like to install on a docker server as opposed to run it on native system. any known issues?
Running twice gives error
Can I use Python library like huggingface transformer?
Windows native SDK support
S390 Port?
Can I use Mojo for embedded esp32 projects ?
Compile time addition of numbers
unable to pass by value
is the mojo documentation permissable?
Error:cannot construct 'Array' from 'ListLiteral[Int, Int, Int, Int, Int]' value in 'var' initialize
Import packaged mojopkg failed.
Is inout a equivalent system to pass a pointer to the function?
Is it possible to install mojo on one of these subsystems or VanillaOS itself?
Will there be built in testing support like in Zig or Rust?
Intellicense not working in Vscode
Support to novel CIM hardware
No dictionaries?
Will Mojo eventually be fully open source?
Installation issue. Exception: Could not find libpython
Issue with installing on fedora 38
SDK installation issues
Network Module
Can i compile to windows? if so how?
Support for Python requests?
code editor on android
Is there something similar to the ctypes library so that Python can use Mojo just like with C++?
Naive BigInt implementation - how to improve?
Why doesn't fn() coerce to fn() capturing
Is there a way to create lists of Strings yet?
Installing the Mojo SDK fails
keyword arguments are not supported yet
Is there an equivalent of PYTHONPATH? I would like to separate my test directory
in-place Relu operation on a matrix struct in memory
Hi all. I'm trying to create telegram bot with mojo (just for fan), but get an Error
modular: error: Could not open cache index 0 size: No such file or directory
error: externally-managed-environment
mac m1 not support?
Larger Than Expected Binaries
How to pass Mojo function to Python in Python interop?
where to start the Mojo language #mojo
Support ARM?
Mojo installation guide (moderator verified)
Error: Segmentation fault on hello_interop.mojo
modular: command not found
VSCode extension not working on Linux
No basic input function and Python class acting weird
modular: error: invalid manifest: was not an object
error: expression must be mutable in assignment
How can I use Mojo w/ my Nvidia GPU?
Native Apple Silicon Support
couple of basic questions
How to enable Mojo in Kernel for VS Code Notebook when using GitHub Codespaces
error: TODO: expressions are not yet supported at the file scope
Adding repr implementation to print structs
Native apple silicon macOS m1 and m2 support
apt install errors
Mojo VS Code Extension in WSL
How do I install on arch linux?
This channel is now read-only – please post in the forum instead
NuMojo v0.5 Release Highlights
Mo2Dox ⚡
Modverse #45: MAX 24.6, featuring our first release of MAX GPU
MPFR-based correctness testing for Mojo 🔥
Modo: Mojo documentation generator -- `mojo doc` JSON to Markdown for SSGs
Larecs: a performance-centred archetype-based ECS
Min Heap for Mojo
Mojo dev container for standard library development
MAX/Mojo Data Science dev containers
(CUDA-based) JupyterLab MAX/Mojo docker stack
A Benchmark with Files and Bytes
Current NEOVIM config
HEPJo v0.1.0 !
NuMojo v0.4 is here! 🔥
FireWorm 🔥🐛 - Easy Docs Website for your Mojo Project
Morabaraba: a traditional board game from South Africa written in Mojo
Modverse #44: the hidden superpowers of linear types, understanding SIMD, and RAG with MAX 24.5
Tephra: Read the BlueSky Firehose with Mojo
Mojo LibC bingings
:hatching_chick: mojo-new-web-framework
HTTP server for JavaScript in Mojo (PoC)
Mojo added to SpeedTests repo on github
Modverse #43: MAX 24.5, our biggest Mojo update ever, and Mojo's debut in the TIOBE index
MojoEnv: .env loader for Mojo projects
Live community showcase during our next community meeting (Oct. 21) 🎤
EmberJson: High level JSON library
Numojo V0.3 Update to Mojo 24.5, and a couple new features.
Rust FFI + Mojo: binding uuid-rs for Mojo
Mojo dictionary benchmarks
Faster CRC32 calculations in Mojo
Mojo Termios bindings
Fireflake: A snowflake id generator in Mojo
Mojo FFI: Mojo Call Rust
JavaScript in Mojo
Mojo web apps
I'm back!
USL: A Shader transpiler written in mojo
24.5 project updates and shared conda channel
Terminal Snake Game: from scratch (no 3rd party libraries)
mo3d: 3D library for Mojo
Modverse #42 is out!
Language learning tool: a small Bash script for interactive search over a bunch of Mojo codebases
Created a job posting app for less popular languages like Mojo
NuMojo V0.2 Release: Simplified Type Handling, New Features, and Enhanced Compatibility
CrazyString explanation Video
Tokeniser & CSV parser
Mojmelo: Machine Learning algorithms
Reading from stdin
🔥🎨🎛 mojo_neovim_theme_app
Devcontainer Setup for Mojo and Neovim
Stump: Bound logger library
MAX tutorials community feedback and questions
Magic CLI alpha community feedback and questions
Inference CNN model in mojo (yolo implementation)
Github Action for setting up Mojo
Firebolt: In-progress implementation of Apache Arrow in Mojo
DuckDB Bindings
Monte Carlo 3x Speedup
Tenka 点火 - Mojo package manager
NuMojo’s got NDArrays! 🥳
Raylib bindings for mojo
Beta test Llama3 serving and GUI on MAX Nightly
🦺 mojo_dev_helper
Random123: Splittable pseudorandom number generators
Simple little JSON parser
Gojo: Experiments in porting over Golang stdlib into Mojo
Small typestate for heap using parameters
Mojo in the Tiobe-index
KANs in Mojo - second attempt
Specials: Accurate, Hardware Accelerated, Special Functions in Mojo
Mist and Weave: ANSI Styling and text formatting libraries
HEPJo: High Energy Physics analysis in Mojo
MAX ⚡ with quantization and macOS support thread
Setup Mojo on Mac M1 and use Python integration without crash
A Complex Math Library for Mojo
Deep Dive into Ownership in Mojo
Quick and Dirty JSON parser
Yoho 🔥: A toy compiler written in mojo
NuMojo Moved into a GitHub Organization Updated to Include access to different backends
How to Set Up Mojo with One Click?
Fire Physics Engine: A simple 2d physics engine in Mojo
awdy: A tqdm-like progress bar for Mojo
Basic Progress Bar for Mojo
MIL: Mojo Imaging Library
rules_mojo 🔥
Implement and benchmark Softmax algorithms in Mojo
Blazeseq: Toolkit for FASTQ parsing
heapq.mojo - A Python's priority queue rewritten in Mojo.
Modverse Weekly Issue 34
Online book on Mojo
🥼 🐒 mojo small tests runner
Mojo port of Andrjey Karpathy's minbpe
NuMojo - a library for numerical computing (like numpy and scipy)
Mog: Style definitions for nice terminal layouts (inspired by charmbracelet/lipgloss)
Prism: CLI Library (inspired by Golang's Cobra)
Poor persons package management in Mojo
Mojo CSV
MoString - fast String concatenation for Mojo
Feedback on new #community channel
mojo-pytest: Mojo test runner and pytest plugin
Momograd: reimplementation of Micrograd in Mojo
llm.mojo: GPT2 fine-tuning and inference in a single Mojo file
LSX: HTML building library
mojo-ui-html: UI, HTML, CSS
Mojo Learning
Lightbug HTTP: Mojo web framework
Mojo PNG parsing blog and project
Basalt: ML Framework