cellular automata

Hi I am trying to implement a general purposed cellular automata library in mojo and want to use opengl to render the grid. few questions : 1. is opengl or any famous low level/fast GPU based graphics library supported ? if not would you think I would run into backwards compatibility problems if i use the pyopengl library ? 2. is GPU level SIMD going to be supported soon ? because as far as i'm aware the current SIMD parallelization happens on the cpu level only. thank you
1 Reply
Ryulord16mo ago
1. There's currently no stable C ffi so your options are: a. use Python interop b. use the unstable C ffi knowing your thing will break eventually c. write out to a video file like a gif. You'd have the implement the format yourself though 2. They've mentioned somewhere they'll have something to say on GPU support "soon"™️. Maybe at modcon if we're lucky

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