
is tensorflow and matlibplot available for mojo or any kind of simmiler librarys ?
8 Replies
mikachu13mo ago
same question for pandas please
Joel13mo ago
No, but you can import built in python modules using the Python standard library module of Mojo.
mikachu13mo ago
but they will not benefit from the compiling native mojo benefits from i guess, they called functions will be as fast as python code, right ?
Joel13mo ago
They should be faster than interpreted python code, but I am not so sure wether it would provide speedups over python code that is compiled with say, py2exe. You may want to do a bit of testing there.
Ryulord13mo ago
Calling a python function from Mojo causes the python function to run in the python interpreter so there will no speedup on those. AFAIK py2exe doesn't compile your python code, just bundles it into an exe
benny13mo ago
you can import them directly as @Joel mentioned, you can also try working with the builtin Tensor. Along with this, there are a few libraries you can try, notably voodoo (mine), infermo, and dainemo I can’t speak entirely for the other two, but i believe they are in a similar state to mine, early testing / development, not suitable for production use, all can be found on github if you want to do basic tensor arithmetic, use builtin tensor, if you want to do a basic regression (or convolution with voodoo), one of the three native mojo libraries will work. Otherwise, if you want to create and run complex models, importing from Python is the only option
tahmeedtoqiOP13mo ago
in python if we want to run python proggrame as a package in other proggrame we drop a (init.py). how can i do the same thing in mojo ?
Numeryst13mo ago
Using Mojo with Python - Mojo Programming for Beginners #3
In this Mojo programming tutorial for beginners, I show you how to use Mojo with Python. I explain how to integrate Mojo with Python using Conda. We create a Python Conda environment and configure Mojo to use that environment for finding the required Python packages. --- Link to Miniconda: https://docs.conda.io/projects/miniconda/en/latest/ -...

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