About lifetimes
I'm playing with FFI and I need to know how to manage correctly some lifetimes. Let's take an example :
If I understand correctly, for Mojo, the life of bytes stops as soon as my_struct is not used and in this case, it's just after the first call to "external_func". Trouble is external_func will need bytes to be alive for a longer time but Mojo can't know that and external_func will starts to act funny because the values of bytes may have changed
So, my question is : how to manage this kind of lifetime ? an easy answer is to do some useless stuff with my_struct at the end of the block or encapsulate some parts in a function (it's what I do now), but a cleaner way to do that must exists.
I've also try to use DTypePointer but I have only be able to use them with basic types like a bunch of bytes but not structured data
I must have misunderstood something.
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