How do I open files to read/write in Mojo?

I want to do the equivalent of the following Python code:
with open(file.txt, 'r') as file:
x =
with open(file.txt, 'r') as file:
x =
How can I do this?
23 Replies
sa-code2y ago
You can use @lukas 's lib for now:
GitHub - lsh/shims: Utils for mojo projects
Utils for mojo projects. Contribute to lsh/shims development by creating an account on GitHub.
bhavnicksmOP2y ago
@sa-code How do you use this repository to read files? The read has code but there's no example usage, so it's hard to understand
lukas2y ago
The read code has an example at the top of the file
bhavnicksmOP2y ago
Thanks, will try it out!
Tenesis2y ago
@lukas can you give an example on how to write files as well? Thanks a lot!
lukas2y ago
I haven’t written a wrapper for that yet I haven’t had a need, but will probably get around to it soon
Tenesis2y ago
I see. So as far as we know there's currently no way to write to file in Mojo yet?
lukas2y ago
You can call the CAPIs i.e write your own fwrite wrapper in the same way I did an fread wrapper
Tenesis2y ago
Cool, I can try that out Thanks!
Tenesis2y ago
GitHub - ShuzhaoFeng/mojo-minwa: The minimal library you need to wr...
The minimal library you need to write / append file in Mojo - GitHub - ShuzhaoFeng/mojo-minwa: The minimal library you need to write / append file in Mojo
lukas2y ago
Nice 🙂 @Tenesis thought I'd ping you that I've since added a buffered writer
Tenesis2y ago
Awesome. 🥳 Thanks Lukas
lukas2y ago
By the way there’s now the open method available, but I’m pretty sure it’s not buffered yet, so its use will depend on what you’re doing
Elaid Tebabkha
It is simple with the version 0.4.0 , you have to see the documention of this version 🙏:mojo: :python:
bhavnicksmOP2y ago
Thanks @Elaid Tebabkha! 🩵 Will check it out now
ModularBot2y ago
Congrats @bhavnicksm, you just advanced to level 1!
bhavnicksmOP2y ago
@Elaid Tebabkha @lukas I was trying out the open method yesterday and I am facing issues with both reading and writing to a file. Mojo v0.4 doesn't seem to be able to parse it properly. Here's a screenshot of what I faced, and the code I was trying to execute
No description
No description
Balderdash2y ago
from pathlib.path import cwd
from pathlib.path import Path

from python import Python

fn main() raises:
let currentPath = cwd()
let file = currentPath/"my_file.txt"

with open(file, "w") as f:
f.write("Hello, world!")

with open(file, "r") as f:

let os = Python.import_module("os")
from pathlib.path import cwd
from pathlib.path import Path

from python import Python

fn main() raises:
let currentPath = cwd()
let file = currentPath/"my_file.txt"

with open(file, "w") as f:
f.write("Hello, world!")

with open(file, "r") as f:

let os = Python.import_module("os")
It's a working example .. you may add raises to your main function ?
bhavnicksmOP2y ago
@Balderdash Oh with raises it seems to work! Thanks Do you know why this works though? I don’t understand this properly
Balderdash2y ago
When you call a function, which throws an exception you need either to catch and handle it or define in your function by using key 'raises' its given to its caller to handle it.
Elaid Tebabkha
Or use try except finally.🙏
bhavnicksmOP2y ago
Yes, try-except also seems to work
Elaid Tebabkha
You can also write The code in python an import it inside the Mojo code like a PythonObject and execute the mojo code .

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