Modular2y ago
Mr J

GUI libraries

Hi, I was wondering if there is any plan or project to bring UIs into Mojo any time in the future.
28 Replies
Carti.2y ago
last time i checked i guess i could run flat (flutter in python) on mojo (just calling and launching that from mojo) and i don't think like anybody is trying to implement that at least for now but you can still check https://github.com/mojicians/awesome-mojo
GitHub - mojicians/awesome-mojo: A curated list of awesome Mojo 🔥 f...
A curated list of awesome Mojo 🔥 frameworks, libraries, software and resources - GitHub - mojicians/awesome-mojo: A curated list of awesome Mojo 🔥 frameworks, libraries, software and resources
Mr J
Mr JOP2y ago
Thank you Carti, Ill take a look. It seems to be pretty early for this objective so, I will keep an eye on this matter.
ksandvik2y ago
GUI libraries are fine to implement, but they are very much outside the scope of the Mojo compiler team projects -- i.e. open source and other initiatives.
Mr J
Mr JOP2y ago
It makes sense, they usually are third party.
ModularBot2y ago
Congrats @Mr J, you just advanced to level 1!
cabboose2y ago
Seems like interop with things like pyside2 would be better imo i dont mind the ui being handled by a brick on legs so long as i can maintain logic on a platform that doesn’t want to sit in place for an hour anyone have an idea if this kind of thing is possible with the current implementation of mojo? im still looking into doing thread things
orangepi2y ago
I’m making an attempt at my own library. Once I finish designing the arch I’ll post my repo
Moosems/Three Chickens
Very excited to see how it goes :).
orangepi2y ago
Yep 👍 wish me luck
ModularBot2y ago
Congrats @orangepi, you just advanced to level 1!
Mr J
Mr JOP2y ago
I think a Qt api would be ideal, I think the python api is great but I wonder if UI performance could be better with its own api. qtmj haha
cabboose2y ago
Probably, but I don’t think there’s enough of a difference to warrant it. So long as the logic can be handled within mojo then it should be sufficient. Most of the ui elements can be entirely handled by qml
Moosems/Three Chickens
I thought it could certainly be more pythonic but it was definitely good.
DevinderS15mo ago
Ah, i think i've found my people - I've been thinking nonstop about Qt for Mojo
ModularBot15mo ago
Congrats @DevinderS, you just advanced to level 1!
DevinderS15mo ago
There's Python/Rust bindings, and maybe they start with bindings, but feels like Qt written in Mojo might make a lot of sense as well @orangepi if its open src and you want contributors, I am happy to join in. Trying to get some Qt Co attention on this too
Moosems/Three Chickens
I’m planning on, when Mojo is on Intel Mac, updating my Mojo-tk interop to work with Qt.
DevinderS15mo ago
oo looking forward to it
rd4com15mo ago
Hello, it is possible to import_package from python; for example, this package will run, i tested this integration: https://github.com/pyimgui/pyimgui/blob/master/doc/examples/integrations_glfw3.py
Moosems/Three Chickens
Yeah. I want to eventually work on finding a way to get a UI lib running without python interop. My biggest reason is the python library isn’t packaged with the binary and requires a python environment to run that part of code so no python interop is best imo.
DevinderS15mo ago
i m looking at slint lately as well. Simon if i recall right started the company and he was a lead over at Qt a while ago. He built out the core of QT for MCU actually
ksandvik15mo ago
Slint use GPL3 for their free license model, trying to understand their licensing system.... Oh you could also pick any of the other licenses in that folder, I just followed the link from the 'choose your license' and it landed at GPL 3.0.
DevinderS15mo ago
there's some optionality
Moosems/Three Chickens
I would use it but from the readme it seems to be that the ui is fairly static.
DevinderS15mo ago
it is for now, more suitable for MCU applications, but it'll get the job done for basic things probably most comparable to Qt for MCU rather than Qt proper
rd4com15mo ago
@orangepi nice! i really look forward to having fun with your gui ! how is it going ?
felix f
felix f15mo ago
how is your mojo-tk going?
Moosems/Three Chickens
Still waiting for Intel Mac support.

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