Null Operators

Will operators Nullish coalescing (?? )and Optional chaining (?.) opearators be added to mojo?
4 Replies
sora16mo ago
I don't they will be supported at least in the short term, as mentioned in the priorities.
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I think we'll need a python PEP before adding this to Mojo
sora16mo ago
Unless Mojo add support to arbitrary operator in the future.
Kushagra16mo ago
Yeah, I think we should also have a PEP for anonymous arrow functions through some syntax from JavaScript. That makes it very easy to work with asynchronous applications. And if we could have a pipeline operator or .then type of methods that takes output of one call after it succeeds and then pass it to other functions, that would be cherry on top of cake If python approves this, it'll be great and might be later added to mojo

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