Modular8mo ago

Why doesn't this work for creating lists?

fn main() -> None:
var any_list = List[Int](range(1, 10_000_000))
fn main() -> None:
var any_list = List[Int](range(1, 10_000_000))
11 Replies
sora8mo ago
We don't have language support to implement this constructor the right way (no trait with associated types), and no one feels compelled enought to implement the overloads for range.
OrwinkOP8mo ago
I don't understand why they say that Mojo is a super set of Python. It feels like another completely different language outside of the Python ecosystem.
Darkmatter8mo ago
It’s a WIP superset. There’s a lot of foundation left to build before things like that get built.
OrwinkOP8mo ago
I understand, it is a goal for the future.
sora8mo ago
Mojo is trying to recreate the everyday Python experience on a typed foundation, and there's much left to be built. @Orwink If you are interested, maybe you could make a PR adding said overloads, since the stdlib is open source.
benny8mo ago
you should be able to write this pretty easily too, since you’d just need to iterate over the range and set the values
sora8mo ago
Easy but tedious, since range maps to three _RangeSomthing structs.
sora8mo ago
[stdlib] Consolidate range structs and fix length calculation by bg...
Having three different range structs is unnecessary and makes it difficult to do something like write a function that accepts a range as an argument since range will currently return 3 different ty...
Darkmatter8mo ago
That is closed because having multiple structs allows for specialization and for open ended ranges to be passed in registers. The solution is to have a Range trait that allows you to use them as iterators like Rust does, except ideally delay the iteration as long as possible since it can be iterated at comptime and expanded for fixed-length ranges, allowing for unrolling.
sora8mo ago
I'd agree that in the current stage, it's better implemented as three structs. But I don't believe this problem is fundamental: I don't think you can argue that we should expect reversed(range(n)) being slower as range(n) since the former uses the most general range structure. Also, a single iterator trait will cause the same specialisation problem if specialisation is indeed the problem, we may still need something like SizedIterable like in Swfit or c++.
Darkmatter8mo ago
I agreed we need an ExactSizeIterator trait. Ideally I’d like on where it’s a contract violation to not be exactly that size, one where it’s a guess with no ability to rely on it, and another where its size is a range. All of those are very useful once we get into heavy generics and you want to get properties out of your iterator for performance reasons.

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