TraitsRequiring Static Methods

What am I doing wrong below? please help. trait HasStaticMethod: @staticmethod fn work(): ... @value struct WashingMachine: @staticmethod fn work(): print("Wash the clothes!") @value struct Cooker: @staticmethod fn work(): print("Cook the food!") fn main(): fn do_workT: HasStaticMethod: do_work(WashingMachine())
9 Replies
Moosems/Three Chickens
What error do you get?
sora14mo ago
You have to put trait conformance in struct declarations.
Moosems/Three Chickens
Oh that’s right, the structs aren’t inheriting the trait. Try struct WashingMachine(HasStaticMethod):
khaVultureOP14mo ago
Thanks, will try it.
Sam Nardoni
Sam Nardoni14mo ago
Does anyone know whether implicit trait implementation has been considered? Nominal vs structural sort-of-thing.
Moosems/Three Chickens
I don’t know. The language is generally quite verbose.
yes implicit traits conformance is in the works, see the latest newsletter
Moosems/Three Chickens
Thank you! “The Mojo team is considering implicit conformance for traits. For example, you'll be able to just implement str() on a struct to make it printable, as Python devs expect. We believe we have a path forward for this, while retaining good error messages when a type doesn't conform, and fitting into other design goals of the language. It will be a novel approach, avoiding complexity traps that other languages have fallen into. We'll reveal more as we make progress, stay tuned for updates.”
Sam Nardoni
Sam Nardoni14mo ago
Ace! Thanks for the info. Excited to see what happens here. I have played with the current trait implementation and something feels a little “off” IMO with the current explicit declaration.

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