Modular•6mo ago

Is there any mutex available in the stdlibs?

Searched for mutex in the docs and it looks like it's not available yet. Is there a way I can atomically perform multiple ops or do the following with the atomic package? I want to perform an increment on an int, followed by a modulo which should round the number back to 0 after a certain limit and return the value.
43 Replies
Darkmatter•6mo ago
What is the limit?
sazidOP•6mo ago
user configurable but should be within 2^10
Darkmatter•6mo ago
What is this being used for?
sazidOP•6mo ago
struct IdGenerator:
var current_sequence: Atomic[DType.int64]

fn generate_next_sequence(inout self) -> Int64:
# TODO: Need to handle max value for sequence.
var result = self.current_sequence.fetch_add(1)
return result
struct IdGenerator:
var current_sequence: Atomic[DType.int64]

fn generate_next_sequence(inout self) -> Int64:
# TODO: Need to handle max value for sequence.
var result = self.current_sequence.fetch_add(1)
return result
I'm trying to write a small lib for 'id' generation which should be thread safe. In this case, the generate_next_sequence is where I would like to use the mutex or any other approach if possible.
Darkmatter•6mo ago
Why do you need the ID to roll over? Also, if you use inout won't be able to call this from multiple threads at once.
sazidOP•6mo ago
Snowflake ID - if you're familiar Basically a way to generate distributed unique ids. There are three parts to the ID which can be stored in a 64-bit integer. First 41 bits contain the timestamp and next 12 and 10 (both user configurable) holds a sequence. The last 10 bits will contain the generated sequence - which is the problem I'm trying to solve.
Snowflake ID
Snowflake IDs, or snowflakes, are a form of unique identifier used in distributed computing. The format was created by Twitter (now X) and is used for the IDs of tweets. It is popularly believed that every snowflake has a unique structure, so they took the name "snowflake ID". The format has been adopted by other companies, including Discord and...
ModularBot•6mo ago
Congrats @sazid, you just advanced to level 1!
sazidOP•6mo ago
It's usually safe to roll over the sequence part of the id to 0 once it reaches the max value because by then, a microsecond will have passed unless the id generation speed is too fast. oh okay, will it help if I share the full code - if you have time to take a quick glance? btw does this mean, in a multi-threaded environment, the lifetime checker will force me to have only exclusive access to this method?
Darkmatter•6mo ago
Can't you just use a mask?
struct IdGenerator[user_bits: UInt]
var current_sequence: Atomic[DType.int64]

fn generate_next_sequence(borrowed self) -> Int64:
constrained[user_bits == 10 || user_bits == 12, "Invalid number of bits for sequence"]
# TODO: Need to handle max value for sequence.
var result = self.current_sequence.fetch_add(1)
result = result & ((1 << Self.user_bits) - 1)
return result
struct IdGenerator[user_bits: UInt]
var current_sequence: Atomic[DType.int64]

fn generate_next_sequence(borrowed self) -> Int64:
constrained[user_bits == 10 || user_bits == 12, "Invalid number of bits for sequence"]
# TODO: Need to handle max value for sequence.
var result = self.current_sequence.fetch_add(1)
result = result & ((1 << Self.user_bits) - 1)
return result
If you use borrowed that goes away. I fixed it in my example
sazidOP•6mo ago
ooh, nice! thanks
sb•6mo ago
Do we need a mutex next?
sazidOP•6mo ago
isn't there still a little possibility that by the time the Atomic count is incremented and the result is calculated with the mask, the current_sequence may have changed?
Darkmatter•6mo ago
We have util.lock. Yes, but that doesn't matter, you already have your value. The next person who calls the function gets their value.
sazidOP•6mo ago
oh yes!
Darkmatter•6mo ago
That's how atomics work.
sazidOP•6mo ago
yes got it, thanks a ton!
Darkmatter•6mo ago
Please mark the question answered
sazidOP•6mo ago
didn't know about the constrained, that's neat... a small update: the fetch_add requires inout which is why the method itself needs to have inout.
ModularBot•6mo ago
Congrats @sazid, you just advanced to level 2!
sb•6mo ago
fetch_add shouldn't require inout?? What is the signature for atomic?
sazidOP•6mo ago
No description
sb•6mo ago
That seems....wrong?
sazidOP•6mo ago
in the docs, except for static max and static min, all the methods look like they're taking inout on self
sb•6mo ago
Interesting....I wonder if we got Arc wrong because of this @Owen Hilyard I'm on mobile rn, is that stuff taking inout sensical to you?
Darkmatter•6mo ago
No, it is not
sb•6mo ago
Awesome, I'm not (entirely) crazy then How does Arc even work here then... Arc might expose a rather uh...hm.... Good catch @sazid, I gotta dig into this
sazidOP•6mo ago
Nice, glad that I was able to help spot a bug. Just out of curiosity, are atomics not supposed to be inout because they will always be in a consistent state no matter the operations that are applied - read/write?
Darkmatter•6mo ago
Yes, atomics are supposed to have "interior mutability" meaning they can be safely mutated with an immutable reference.
sazidOP•6mo ago
i see, thanks for the clarification
sb•6mo ago
huh, I completely passed this by! Arc uses inout a bunch. Doesn't inout imply that it can't alias? I thought it implied "exclusive ownership passes in and back out again"
Darkmatter•6mo ago
Yes, inout = &mut
sb•6mo ago
sora•6mo ago
PR time
sb•6mo ago
this seems wrong to me, though some stdlib team peeps would probably know better than me
Darkmatter•6mo ago
I think that means something very wrong in std. Or the compiler is smart enough to recognize that it's all single threaded and not bother.
sb•6mo ago
it isn't single threaded this is in Arc
sb•6mo ago
No description
sb•6mo ago
those methods get called from potentially multiple threads
Darkmatter•6mo ago
Do we have a way to launch other threads? That is actually tested with Arc?
sb•6mo ago
not that I've seen so far, I think it's just in parallel or something? not at all Arc is tested only as an Rc currently though I designed my Weak thing to be sound in the face of multiple threads, except for the inout thing
sora•6mo ago
I think it's simply because there's no easy way to launch another thread to encounter this problem
sb•6mo ago
Does parallelize or whatever hit on this?

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