Modular14mo ago

Mojo for front-end development.

Is it possible to use Mojo for front-end development?
2 Replies
a2svior14mo ago
In theory yes, but definitely not for production ready applications yet. E.g lightbug (http framework I'm working on) is serving a simple HTML page with styles by default when you start up a server: https://github.com/saviorand/lightbug_http You can already set up basic routing (see an example in the README) and serve static assets. I'm working on another project which is a more full-fledged web framework, but it might be a while until it's ready
GitHub - saviorand/lightbug_http: Simple and fast HTTP framework fo...
Simple and fast HTTP framework for Mojo! 🔥 Perfect for building web services and simple APIs. For Mojicians with deadlines. - GitHub - saviorand/lightbug_http: Simple and fast HTTP framework for Mo...
Heyitsmeguys14mo ago
Until Mojo can be compiled to WebAssembly, I guess your only choice for pure Mojo frontend development is some sort of static site generator, like the one mentioned above. Even then I think you'll have to use some JavaScript since Wasm isn't intended to be a replacement for it.

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