Modular2y ago

How can I create a Python list to add and remove structs?

I am trying mojo and would like to define a few structs and use a Python like dynamic list. I would like to be able to add and remove structs, iterate over items etc.
6 Replies
narup2y ago
DynamicVector works if you can have all the fields in struct as register passable If not you can create an Array using pointer for data. Mojo docs has example
ctOP2y ago
I did read "https://docs.modular.com/mojo/programming-manual.html" a while ago and did not find how to use Python like list. There is an example of implementation of array but it is not dynamic.
TeamPuzel2y ago
There won’t be a list in Mojo until it supports traits. Without them you can’t implement a type-safe heterogeneous collection, or even a homogeneous one with iteration, equality comparison etc From what I’ve heard traits will be supported around the end of this year, at least partially
ctOP2y ago
Thanks for the reply
TeamPuzel2y ago
This is an immutable list literal for constructing collections, not a list. You can see that the module does not contain an implementation, just the literal.

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