Modular10mo ago

Benchmark Analysis

I would like to dump out individual times it took to run my function from a report, so i can graph it and do some analysis myself, but i can only access a list of batches via report.runsand their means. If i increase the min/max benchmarking time it never goes above 5 batches being ran, which is not a lot of data to do any analysis on. The benchmarking package also seems to be still closed-source, so it is difficult to hack it in myself. Are there any plans to add more configurability/visibility to this/any hacks i can use, apart from writing my own benchmarking function? Thanks
3 Replies
sora10mo ago
There is a print_full method one the report object
sora10mo ago
benchmark | Modular Docs
Implements the benchmark module for runtime benchmarking.
RedOP10mo ago
this only iterates over the batches (of N iterations) and prints out their info, so it wouldnt help me here

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