Modular7mo ago

Fastest way to build string from dynamic values!

In Mojo what is the fastest and most efficient way to concatenate and build string from list of dynamic string values (string literal & string objects both)?
23 Replies
Zbornak7mo ago
I was just trying to figure out the same thing! I don't think there is currently a way? But I could be completely wrong
benny7mo ago
while the exact implementation would matter, a few ideas immediately are memcpy and gather. you can get the underlying data from a string fairly easily, after you do that it’s just a matter of joining it. this is 100% possible though, if you give me some example code I can illustrate what I mean better
Aamir7mo ago
I am working on the datetime library. For that, I want to write a parser and formatter. There are also other libraries I am considering developing in Mojo. I need that functionality. I think I must try building something like the String Builder found in other languages. Is anyone working on similar project? https://github.com/maniartech/mojo-datetime
GitHub - maniartech/mojo-datetime: DateTime library in pure Mojo la...
DateTime library in pure Mojo language. Contribute to maniartech/mojo-datetime development by creating an account on GitHub.
Aamir7mo ago
I am particularly interested in how you would fetch the underlying data, handle memory arithmetic, and perform concatenation in Mojo. If you can provide some hints, I can develop it further!
benny7mo ago
let test_string = "mojo"
let raw_ptr = test_string.data()
let p = raw_ptr.bitcast[DType.uint8]()._as_scalar_pointer()
let buffer = Buffer[Dim(), DType.uint8](p, test_string.__len__())
let test_string = "mojo"
let raw_ptr = test_string.data()
let p = raw_ptr.bitcast[DType.uint8]()._as_scalar_pointer()
let buffer = Buffer[Dim(), DType.uint8](p, test_string.__len__())
that loads it into a buffer, but the data from the bitcast might also be enough it’s a little different for String instead of StringLiteral, but it’s similar
Aamir7mo ago
I see, thanks
Michael K
Michael K7mo ago
The slow bits to avoid when doing this are extra data copies and extra allocations. So you want to get the length of the concatenated result, add 1 for the null terminator, and then allocate a DTypePointer[DType.int8] of that size. Then you can memcpy each String or StringLiteral's pointer. A String's pointer is at ._as_ptr() and a StringLiteral's pointer is at .data(). You can make your result a String using its initilizer from a pointer and length. Ignoring Variant to handle both String and StringLiteral, it is like this:
fn concat_str(vec: DynamicVector[String]) -> String:
var length = 0
for i in range(len(vec)):
length += len(vec[i])

var ptr = DTypePointer[DType.int8].alloc(length + 1)
var offset = 0
for i in range(len(vec)):
memcpy(ptr.offset(offset), vec[i]._as_ptr(), len(vec[i])
offset += len(vec[i])

ptr.store(offset, 0)
return String(ptr, length + 1)
fn concat_str(vec: DynamicVector[String]) -> String:
var length = 0
for i in range(len(vec)):
length += len(vec[i])

var ptr = DTypePointer[DType.int8].alloc(length + 1)
var offset = 0
for i in range(len(vec)):
memcpy(ptr.offset(offset), vec[i]._as_ptr(), len(vec[i])
offset += len(vec[i])

ptr.store(offset, 0)
return String(ptr, length + 1)
benny7mo ago
this is a 100% perfect explanation, thanks michael could you use gather with the string pointers? i have no experience with that function
Michael K
Michael K7mo ago
No, I don't think gather is useful in this situation. Gather is for when you want to "gather" elements together that are not next to each stored next to each other and usually following no pattern you can iterate over. Like if you want to work with the the weights in a vector whose corresponding gradients had the highest value in last pass. Find the indices you want, pass it to gather. Here it is just whole strings being copied so best to iterate over the vector and copy entire string at a time. If you really wanted to be fast here you can actually store the offsets in the first pass getting lengths and the memcopy in parallel since none of the writes will overlap. That could look like scattering into the destination since you don't know which blocks fill first but the code will just look like linear iteration.
Aamir7mo ago
It prints junk bytes! "�^(l� When I run the following code, it prints junk.
for i in range(len(vec)):
print(StringRef(vec[i]._as_ptr(), len(vec[i])))
for i in range(len(vec)):
print(StringRef(vec[i]._as_ptr(), len(vec[i])))
However, when I run the following code! It prints properly! Looks like issue with String._as_ptr() function!
fn main():
let ptr = DTypePointer[DType.int8].alloc(5)
memcpy(ptr, "test".data(), 4)
let s = StringRef(ptr, 4)

fn main():
let ptr = DTypePointer[DType.int8].alloc(5)
memcpy(ptr, "test".data(), 4)
let s = StringRef(ptr, 4)

Michael K
Michael K7mo ago
The junk bytes are probably because your pointer is being created in the String’s last use. So the String is destroyed and the pointer freed before copy. If you want the original String destroyed, you can use ‘_stealptr()’. Or just assign the String to ‘’ after the memo y is done. Underscores are being removed in my post from mobile.
Aamir7mo ago
I don't think that's the case! Here is whole program derived from your contact_str function. Or maybe I am not able to see it!
struct StringBuilder(Stringable):
var _strings: DynamicVector[String]

fn __init__(inout self:StringBuilder):
self._strings = DynamicVector[String]()

fn __str__(self:StringBuilder) -> String:

let vec = self._strings
var length = 0
for i in range(len(vec)):
length += len(vec[i])

var ptr = DTypePointer[DType.int8].alloc(length + 1)
var offset = 0
for i in range(len(vec)):
# Debug and pritn by converting the value to StringRef using pointer!
print(StringRef(vec[i]._as_ptr(), len(vec[i]))) # Prints junk

# Copy the string into the buffer at the offset
memcpy(ptr.offset(offset), vec[i]._as_ptr(), len(vec[i]))
offset += len(vec[i])

ptr.store(offset, 0) # Null terminate the string
return StringRef(ptr, length + 1) # Returs the junk strig

fn append(inout self:StringBuilder, s: String):

fn main():
# Create a string from the buffer
var sb = StringBuilder()
print(sb) # Prints junk
struct StringBuilder(Stringable):
var _strings: DynamicVector[String]

fn __init__(inout self:StringBuilder):
self._strings = DynamicVector[String]()

fn __str__(self:StringBuilder) -> String:

let vec = self._strings
var length = 0
for i in range(len(vec)):
length += len(vec[i])

var ptr = DTypePointer[DType.int8].alloc(length + 1)
var offset = 0
for i in range(len(vec)):
# Debug and pritn by converting the value to StringRef using pointer!
print(StringRef(vec[i]._as_ptr(), len(vec[i]))) # Prints junk

# Copy the string into the buffer at the offset
memcpy(ptr.offset(offset), vec[i]._as_ptr(), len(vec[i]))
offset += len(vec[i])

ptr.store(offset, 0) # Null terminate the string
return StringRef(ptr, length + 1) # Returs the junk strig

fn append(inout self:StringBuilder, s: String):

fn main():
# Create a string from the buffer
var sb = StringBuilder()
print(sb) # Prints junk
Michael K
Michael K7mo ago
This looks like a bug were a String stored in a DynamicVector does not act like a String not held in a DynamicVector. Some sort of ownership fight I guess. A workaround, that defeats the purpose because it makes a copy, is just to use var tmp = String(vec[i]) and then not usetmp where you now use vec[i]. There may be more elaborate ways to make it give up the String's pointer for copying by constructing a DTypePointer from the DynamicVector's AnyPointer but I am not sure. You can also see whatever issue this is by trying Reference(vec[i]) which fails while you can easily create a Reference(tmp) when tmp is a copy of vec[i]. It is also possible that this method is not slow since you aren't actually mutating the String from the DynamicVector, but I think the compiler is not that smart as treats looking at the String's pointers as a mutation which forces the copy. This is a more elaborate way to make the DynamicVector give you the string without a copy, let tmp = __get_address_as_lvalue((vec.data + i).value) . I think it creates an immutable shallow copy so it will be fast.
Aamir7mo ago
Wow! It works!
struct StringBuilder(Stringable):
var _strings: DynamicVector[String]

fn __init__(inout self:StringBuilder):
self._strings = DynamicVector[String]()

fn __str__(self:StringBuilder) -> String:

let vec = self._strings
var length = 0
for i in range(len(vec)):
length += len(vec[i])

var ptr = DTypePointer[DType.int8].alloc(length + 1)
var offset = 0
for i in range(len(vec)):
let tmp = __get_address_as_lvalue((vec.data + i).value)
# Copy the string into the buffer at the offset
memcpy(ptr.offset(offset), tmp._as_ptr(), len(tmp))
offset += len(tmp)

ptr.store(offset, 0) # Null terminate the string
return StringRef(ptr, length + 1)

fn append(inout self:StringBuilder, s: String):

fn main():
# Create a string from the buffer
var sb = StringBuilder()
print(sb) # Prints mojojojo
struct StringBuilder(Stringable):
var _strings: DynamicVector[String]

fn __init__(inout self:StringBuilder):
self._strings = DynamicVector[String]()

fn __str__(self:StringBuilder) -> String:

let vec = self._strings
var length = 0
for i in range(len(vec)):
length += len(vec[i])

var ptr = DTypePointer[DType.int8].alloc(length + 1)
var offset = 0
for i in range(len(vec)):
let tmp = __get_address_as_lvalue((vec.data + i).value)
# Copy the string into the buffer at the offset
memcpy(ptr.offset(offset), tmp._as_ptr(), len(tmp))
offset += len(tmp)

ptr.store(offset, 0) # Null terminate the string
return StringRef(ptr, length + 1)

fn append(inout self:StringBuilder, s: String):

fn main():
# Create a string from the buffer
var sb = StringBuilder()
print(sb) # Prints mojojojo
Still there are some questions to be answered to craft the perfect solution. Here are some of the points that I am considering! * How does DynamicVector work? One of the area I am concerned about memory resize when new strings are pushed to the StringBuilder. If DynamicVector is not right data structure for this purpose, we can alternatively utilize resizable Buffer. That will give good control over the strategy we employ for memory resizing! * My second concern is how to handle various String types. StringLiteral, String, StringRef etc... What about Stringable? Also, when I benchmarked this code against concatenation using + operator. It failed significantly! Benchmark Code
fn main():
# Create a string from the buffer
let t1 = now()
var sb = StringBuilder()
_ = str(sb)
let t1delta = now() - t1

# Create a string using the + operator

let t2 = now()
var vec = DynamicVector[String]()
var s2: String = ""
for i in range(vec.__len__()):
s2 = s2 + vec[i]
let t2delta = now() - t2

print("StringBuilder: ", " (", t1delta, "ns)")
print("String +: ", " (", t2delta, "ns)")
fn main():
# Create a string from the buffer
let t1 = now()
var sb = StringBuilder()
_ = str(sb)
let t1delta = now() - t1

# Create a string using the + operator

let t2 = now()
var vec = DynamicVector[String]()
var s2: String = ""
for i in range(vec.__len__()):
s2 = s2 + vec[i]
let t2delta = now() - t2

print("StringBuilder: ", " (", t1delta, "ns)")
print("String +: ", " (", t2delta, "ns)")
StringBuilder: ( 9148 ns)
String +: ( 661 ns)
StringBuilder: ( 9148 ns)
String +: ( 661 ns)
When I moved to benchmark code into the StringBuilder.__str__ function. I got this result!
StringBuilder: mojojojokokoloko ( 361 ns)
String +: mojojojokokoloko ( 772 ns)
StringBuilder: mojojojokokoloko ( 361 ns)
String +: mojojojokokoloko ( 772 ns)
That means, calling through __str__ poses significant overhead
Michael K
Michael K7mo ago
I think String is built on DynamicVector which can hold anything. So even though String's data is int8 it uses slow copying by iterating through each element rather than memcpy. The slowdown is much worse for longer Strings.
I think the problem will just disappear once you can specialize by conformance. Then all DynamicVectors holding trivial types will just use memcpy.
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