Modular4mo ago

Discord timestamps

Not a question, but rather a post to help others use this Discord feature.
5 Replies
bunny4mo ago
clock time:
Noon on Christmas Day (25-Dec) 2024 in Colorado is <t:1735153200> in your timezone.
Noon on Christmas Day (25-Dec) 2024 in Colorado is <t:1735153200> in your timezone.
Noon on Christmas Day (25-Dec) 2024 in Colorado is <t:1735153200> in your timezone. for relative time, add :R, like this:
Noon on Christmas Day (25-Dec) 2024 in Colorado is <t:1735153200:R> (approx).
Noon on Christmas Day (25-Dec) 2024 in Colorado is <t:1735153200:R> (approx).
Noon on Christmas Day (25-Dec) 2024 in Colorado is <t:1735153200:R> (approx). Easily generate the time-stamps here: https://whatismaven.com/tools/discord/ Use <t:TIMESTAMP:FLAG> to send it Available flags: t: Short time (e.g 9:41 PM) T: Long Time (e.g. 9:41:30 PM) d: Short Date (e.g. 30/06/2021) D: Long Date (e.g. 30 June 2021) f (default): Short Date/Time (e.g. 30 June 2021 9:41 PM) F: Long Date/Time (e.g. Wednesday, June, 30, 2021 9:41 PM) R: Relative Time (e.g. 2 months ago, in an hour)
Discord Local Time Generator - MAVEN
DiscordLocal Time Generator Discord is the place for our communities. But, while we’re all running awesome events and creating unmatched experiences for our communities, it’s difficult for people in them to know exactly when something is happening. Communities are global, so we’re constantly converting time into our local time zones. Well, this ...
bunny4mo ago
Please excuse the unexpected ping, @Tatiana . I saw some chatter re "what time zone" for the post re the Zoom call (ref: https://discord.com/channels/1087530497313357884/1098765954302873621/1240007747890708540). Using Discord's time-stamp feature can really help users navigate past those questions. Granted, they could also just go to the shared Google Calendar. But at least one stated they had hesitation doing so because of login needs (or some-such). Again: sorry for the unexpected ping. Just trying to help. ❤️ So relative to your Announcement, the line:
Please join us on Monday, May 20, 10-11 am, Zoom info - ID: 89417554201, Password: 838729,
Please join us on Monday, May 20, 10-11 am, Zoom info - ID: 89417554201, Password: 838729,
Could be changed to:
Please join us on <t:1716224400> (your local time), Zoom info - ID: 89417554201, Password: 838729,
Please join us on <t:1716224400> (your local time), Zoom info - ID: 89417554201, Password: 838729,
Which renders as: Please join us on <t:1716224400> (your local time), Zoom info - ID: 89417554201, Password: 838729,
bunny4mo ago
And I do not know your timezone, but mine is US Mountain Time (Colorado), so that post appeared like the attached pic in my Discord app. Of course, the time may show differently for you, depending on your timezone.
No description
Ilya I. Lubenets
Wow, looks like a great feature
Tatiana4mo ago
Thank you for your suggestion @bunny! The announcement now shows local time.
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