cannot bind generic !mlirtype to memory-only type

Have been playing with Mojo a bit and like it a lot so far. But one area I feel I'm missing out on something is Arrays. I implemented a simple Array struct using Pointer. Simple and straightforward to implement and fast. However Pointer only works with mlirtype, not my own structs. One solution is to decorate my struct with @register_passable("trivial"), but I feel there might be a more elegant solution. Any tips?
5 Replies
Waiting for traits. It's a common issue that traits will solve.
roboquantOP17mo ago
Thanks, I guess till that time register_passable will have to do.
ldw17mo ago
I'm also curious about arrays... Where is the register_passable documentation?
roboquantOP17mo ago
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roboquantOP17mo ago
The things to be aware is also that all attributes in your struct need to have register_passable enabled. But at least it works for some prototyping (till we have traits).

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