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Issues with connecting to code-marketplace from code-server
Custom Web Ide
Code-Server Performance
Template for podman in coder
Hot to configure STUN on kubernetes?
Are the grafana dasboards in the coder/observability repo available seperately?
Multiple VM template - 1 agent + 1 user_data or ...?
Failed to install provider?
newgrp not working in startup script
Restarting a workspace is taking too much time
Moving Coder within 2 EC2 Instances
Custom hostname on Kubernetes?
Question about creating a pre-configured Environment
Presistent ubuntu volume
Not able to create a helm-based workspace
Air-gapped Kubernetes Coder Set-Up
Not able to create a workspace using kubernetes devcontainer template
Coder proxied access to Docker Engine docker.sock
How to use coder_parameter to force_rebuild docker images?
Limit workspace CPU and memory resources
Slow and unreliable workspace connections when running Coder on multiple kubernetes clusters
Docker in Docker does not work with docker devcontainer template
Coder Workspaces Stuck in Apply Complete
How to modify an current coder running instance to accept domain wildcards?
Problem with high latency in Workspace
Just to need to confirm the behaviour of CODER_BROWSER_ONLY
Fallback host
HMR not working
How to run an sample angular application on a code-serve ?
Devcontainer hanging in Coder instance
In the pricing model, what is defined as a user?
How do you move/ transfer a simple self-hosted Coder setup to a new server?
Building template is stuck queued
DB Latency
Devcontainer starting is taking really long / multiple times building the Dockerfile?
Docker in workspace
startup_script not working when using GitLab CI template management
Profiles/settings gone cross browser/device
Auth with Github
Permission Issues on fresh containers
Envbox in kubernetes, cgroup permission issue.
Define custom subdomain for app to use with vars.
coder_agent shutdown / coder_script run_on_stop not working
Workspaces are seemingly not persisting data whatsoever.
Should terraform init run on every deploy?
Need different OIDC redirect URL from the `CODER_ACCESS_URL`
[Paid Help Wanted] Complete Setup Guide for Laravel Project
Terminal Theme
Parameter validation
Cannot create new directories using terminal
Starting workspaces on Koyeb
Issue running on Mac M Series?
Docker Pipe Permission Issues with WSL when running Coder in Docker
Workspace build failed for Kubernetes (DevConntainer) as a starter template
Workspace creation times out.
Support microservices environment
Websockets not working, despite all healthy
Persistent AWS EBS/EC2 home directory
Restrict to folder
Workspace build failed for Kubernetes (Devcontainers)
Coder ran on a machine with VPN can't resolve the hostname
Coder RDS IAM Auth
Modify $PATH to include custom bin folder
Intermittent failures in container deletion/creation on remote docker provider
Having a hard time adding user collaborators to my workspace
Infinitii Loading Issue - workspace Not Starting Even After Builder is Finished in EnvBuilder
github private repo won't pull
unable to remove docker image
Email (SMTP) isnt working
Entire Path
It denies the Connection
Set "extensions" and "theme" from `devcontainer.json`
Failed to pull GitHub private repo
Need Simplified Approach
Restart a workspace through the coder api
Jetbrains IDE Support
code-server port forward issue
ptyHost Connection
Cannot run Docker in Docker anymore
Coder created workspace (from K8s Devcontainer template) does not seem to inject proper SSH key
The ping place is not working
K8s + Coder Permissions Issues
questions on coder module jfrog-oauth
`cache_repo` doesn't work
"File not found" error when starting code-server, resulting in a blank page in browser.
Add `map(string)` to `code_parameter` support type
SSH from vscode/terminal back to local desktop?
Issue with starting workspaces that were running for months.
$CODER_ACCESS_URL for working health check and auth-provider in k8s
Need help configuring Coder WebSocket behind a proxy with non-standard ports
Docker not working in VS Code
Pass Git credentials from Coder into Envbuilder
Access Workspace Web does not work with returning Code 302
Cannot change namespace value for Devcontainer in K8s
cant creat workspaces
Air-gapped Coder VS Code Desktop - Failed to download VS Code Server
Workspace unhealthy + Advise on big picture
`oauth2-proxy` allow proxied authentication
`coder_agent` METADATA not working in Coder API
Creating a JupyterLab instance
Several Questions/Problems Regarding JetBrains Rider with Coder
One Kubernetes cluster for Coder and one for the workspaces: how do I specify the ~/.kube/config for
Older workspace no longer working
USBIP Dev Kit Tunnel for Embedded SW Dev
git clone using https does not work in an rstudio environment
Devcontainer with GPU access
Workspaces are constantly disconnecting from the Server
Git commit still uses the email from my Coder account
" line 167"
Single Coder server instance crashing with 20ish or so workspaces
Code market place setup
delete a workspace from cli fails when it was created on behalf of another user
Multitenancy with Coder
different behaviour between desktop VSCode and code-server using gradio app
Uniqueness in workspace naming
Is there a way to have a number of coder_agents defined from a single resource block?
VSCode Desktop hangs after workspace update
Coder on Windows
Bug with local exec in a module
Unable to create/delete workspace -- text file busy
Save template with failing build
Build devcontainer from hostPath and not git repo - Coder in k8s
Anyone can access cursor workspace connection URL
Set zsh as default shell
Kasm template / module
Workspaces slower when accessed on home network?
Running Next.js development server in a Coder instance... is there a best practice?
Can we delete multiple workspace in one CLI Command ?
Workspace stuck on loading
Error when building workspace with parametrized OpenStack provider using coder parameters
how to use files in script after cloning a repository?
Specifying command for running coder-based deployment
external auth to be able to clone a repository from GitHub or GitLab
initializeCommand not executed in envbuilder
Access Coder Locally
deploy coder_agent with for_each loop
Angular and Coder
Db Templates
Dev URLs configuration
Create template by zip upload hangs
State management, external backend?
Most extensions don't work (C# Dev Kit, Codeium) when connecting from local IDE
How to push templates to Kubernetes Coder from GitLab CI/CD?
Where can I find settings.json for vscode web?
Restrict access for Gitlab Auth
AWS: Can't make searching among custom (private) AMIs work
Envbuilder in Coder: wrong user is used when cache is enabled
VS Code Desktop, remove button
web terminal font, want to change
Clicking 'Restart' on Unhealthy Coder Agent Stops Workspace Instead of Restarting
Can't delete a workspace which uses devcontainers
Virtual Keyboard opens all the time
I am trying to setup Git Auth with Coder Envbuilder
KasmVNC in coder not working with my personalized template
I am trying to reboot my workspace and getting the error in the screenshot, is that an expiration ?
Intellij does not accept workspace
Unable to verify first certificate
Active workspace metrics via prometheus
Unable to start workspaces due to http 500 errors from
Memory and CPU limitations do not apply in NOMAD
Is is possible to have control policies when using Github or GitLab authentication?
EACS03: get healthz endpoint: tls: failed to verify certificate: x509:
Docker in Docker with sysbox cant find the deamon
[warn] net.devtunnel: periodically re-register tunnel
Tailscale in workspace
Devcontainer template fails to pull private repo, ssh-agent not available
Golang Template
No port-forwarding in the web UI
Is this an anti-pattern for coder?
Use custom install Script as Terraform Resource
deploying void in coder-server
aws_ecr_repository auth error on EC2 envbuilder
AWS EC2 (Devcontainer) fails with custom repo
Cant write in code-server
what url callback in external auth ?
Github Single Sign On Unauthorized
Run coder using docker-compose with mariadb as database
Windows terminal: arrow keys are not sent.
Archive too big. Must be <= 1048576 bytes
Workspace error: curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: self-signed certificate in certificate chain
[Beginner] set up Clickhouse container
Error: Error pinging Docker server: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/
Can't serve code-server under a subpath
How to stop Jupyter Kernels from dying when sleeping/disconnecting laptop?
coder not respecting ENV PROXY var when creating openshift template
Issue with VS Code + code Server
Unable to connect to workspace | access to terminal, code-server, ssh not working. No matching peer
Git clone with ssh-key
EKS PVC creation times out
"/persistentvolumeclaims": dial tcp [::1]:80: connect: connection refused"
Pylance/Python extension still not working?
Creating a new role, getting 405
Is there a way to set memory and storage limits?
Dev container workflow & security concerns with tunnel.
How to access logs?
"The agent cannot authenticate until the workspace provision job has been completed."
Any way to view the detailed Terraform plan for a workspace update?
Authorize coder workspace to access forwarded port urls
Keycloak OpenID Connect does not work
dial tcp i/o timeout
Subdomain port forwarding on local ssh connection
text file busy
VS Code Desktop - fails to activate extension
Permission in Vscode - Docker template
The sh for installing coder does server configuration?
Docker in workspaces and volumes
Unable to set oidc user as admin
Create new template
JetBrain Gateway: Failed to retrieve IDEs
Coder port forward giving 404
What's the best way to store GitHub PAT for
template ci/cd pipeline enforcement
Error with Github external auth
connect mac mini with coder
custom login log question
How can i pre-install dependencies
Expose coder user SSH key to envbuilder
I can't SSH into the containers
Open ID connect with GitLab
Coder Unhealthy: Websocket Error
Kubernetes with DinD bind volumes issues
Getting 404 when trying to edit files of a template
fetch() API socket hang up
Traefik and Apache2 in Code-server
Unhealthy Instance
Fresh instance on Pi 400 using install script (non root). Tried to create new Docker template.
Examples and applications of PostgreSQL in coder-server
how to install docker in aws ec2 (devcontainer) template?
aks questions - enterprise version
Correct way to pre-install extensions for Coder K8s workspaces?
Application error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')
coder - server expired
different shell path
I recently deleted files in /tmp, and since then I have been encountering an error during build or t
Coder server has no extensions gallery
I'm trying to setup coder with the aws template, stucked with external auth(github)
The difference between installing coder server using the command line and using Docker.
Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon
What do "Last Used" icon colors indicate
Coder docker container works on N4 Google Compute instance but no longer C4
Cannot create docker template
Coder pod count explodes
multi-attach error
we need scripter for we battlegrounds game
how to use traefik to connect it to a domain with caddy
Provide git repo as parameter
aws ec2 is always auto started after coder workspace is stopped.
Resetting the Service Version of Coder
I get an error when deploying docker template in rasberry pi (coder in docker)
How do i make a template for python
Coder docker container DB is randomly failing
github enterprise auto upload publish SSH key
Coder-app share level not respected when using wildcard access URL
GUI Application Development
workspace for developing react
Copying from Coder host to Docker Template
Public local host
Updated Coder version and now I’m getting database errors with Docker Compose
GCP VMs fail to start sporadically with "desired_status can only accept RUNNING value" error
My rpi 3 code-server only runs when I access the config file (sudo nano config.yaml)
Configuring Coder to work with multiple external urls
api/v2/templates Route not found
error persistently
Missing "Open ports" feature
Devcontainer Failed to Clone Github Private Repo
Setup Coder in locked VLAN
Jetbrains Toolbox stuck on waiting for backend
Run docker build inside workspace
vscode-web module is still resetting Copilot credentials.
Docker Devcontainer Template Broken?
Hashed password not being asked for
Access url is throwing a cert error
Create a dedicated workspace for each user
create my first custom image
How to increase size of workspace volume?
set template description ( the name the users see when creating )
Automation for importing the .code-profile inside terraform template
Sync local file into coder workspace
Troubleshooting steps for SCIM
Coder envbuilder container starts logging 401 errors when using "Update" option
Not releasing the memory after Terraform task completed
Persisting container state across workspace restarts
Upgrading AWS EC2 based coder server
Best practice for manipulating workspace on behalf of the user
PostGres error
Does Coder Honor the Devcontainers Spec fully?
Code-Server Multi-user
Question about Docker-Template
Unhealthy network using coder access url
NGINX Reverse Proxy Setup
Error in vscode-web module
code-server python extension bypass.
Update code-server in Coder V2
1 Workspace, multiple container, coder_app on each
Open port via wildcard hostname keep loading
Docker windows, default template error on the template creation
Get last created workspace of user via CLI
Coder with cloudflare tunnels + cloudflare access?
sometimes getting 504 gateway timeout from port forwarded proxy from a docker workspace
Git push username show as `default`
VSCode Extension Gives Connection Error
VSCode Web extensions disappear after restart
Code Server giving 404
initialize terraform: exit status 1
home path empty
`workspace is unhealthy` error in `docker-compose` coder installation
limiting resources on docker container workspaces
Can't start built-in postgres
AWS AMI works for a while then stops
Shared ports still not working in OSS
OFF REGION infor, STUN, Proxy -> Coder internal Lan network only
Running `vkcube` in a Docker workspace
Cannot publish template to Coder via CLI
Sub-path reverse-proxying with Coder
i have issues with terraform ubuntu server initial coder setup
Coder on Windows
coder agent using token auth
Remote access Coder with VSCode
cannot get caddy server to run as a service
What is the CLI command to edit a file using code-server?
Coder in VSCode sometimes stuck on embedded relay and not switching to peer-to-peer
github authentication
Allow everyone from OIDC
invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value
Websocket issues with code-server
coder_2.10.2_windows_amd64_installer.exe vs. WSL installation method for code-server? (VS-CODE)
Migrating Coder-OSS data to a new server
How to use experimental port sharing
Recovering from disaster
how do i get coder to run all the time?
Access URL is not being used while port-forwarding.
Session token expiration date
home directory of user changed owner to ubuntu user
Standard Kube install fails for docker template
Coder AWS EC2 (Linux) template not working for me :/
Are the coder credits we assign daily?
Unable To Use DERP On Cloudflare Tunnel
Sharing Jupyter Notebooks?
Implementing IP-Based Access Control for workspaces
Workspaces have been stopping while I am using them
Multiple containers in one template
Forward (publish) local ports (host) into Workspace (Docker-Container)
Cannot start intelliJ on Coder v2 workspace
Create a worskpace with several container
how to compile a c++ github project
Calling a bash script while building the workspace (docker)
Unable to create docker
Internal error checking workspace agent authorization (after db reinit from dump)
Error when updating code-server to 4.23.1 within coder
how to get the code-server URL when a WorkSpace is created by API or CLI ?
Reverse proxy coder server
Custom URL
Kubernetes and air-gap
Is it possible to migrate user from coder db login to OIDC?
Cant start coder on windows pc
Windows AV flagging coder-windows-amd64.exe
Coder Owner Workspaces Access
Code Server GUI Support
Github authentication not working
unexpected application error
Gitlab git functionality not working after token refresh after workspace is created
Internal error exchanging Oauth code
API delete workspace
Local User w/Enterprise Container
Accessing an sql server from outside the workspace
Stuck on docker_image.main
Set a Default URI w/Dotfiles Module
Failed to read downloaded context
Error: couldn't parse owner groups ""
Access module through VPN IP instead of Tunnel
Change port forward url to coder.domain.tld/xxxxx
Unexpected error, shutting down server: install terraform: install: context deadline exceeded
Setting up a Privileged Sidecar
iOS install
CLion missing
Authentication within Coder workspaces
PV Permissions?
import resources?
Docker-in-Docker with sysbox on Kubernetes
Terraforms docker_image extra_hosts flag get ignored
Struggling to set up on kubernetes
Is there any way to create a coder_parameter that assists the user in inputting others' usernames?
How can i change the current region?
britive integration
PATH getting overwritten
Envbuilder in Coder not using caches at all despite configuring CACHE_REPO
Stop all workspaces using cli
How to apply enterprise license without making owner account first?
expo go and code server
Error: No configuration files
Using the golang codersdk
Has anyone encountered this problem before
Goroutine dump with Coder V2 on
when logging with entra id, I expect the coder’s name to be set as Display
does coder templates support a variable with a map of objects or strings?
docker daemon
Accessing Self-Hosted Coder Server Through ZeroTier VPN
when auto running a “open in coder” the required git authentication is not triggered
Cannot upgrade Heroku one click install
Cannot fix Heroku one click install misconfiguration.
Adding custom nuget package source to template
What is the best way to keep installed system packages?
Create default Admin user without UI
external auth not working properly
Is the external auth gone?
coder + cloudflare tunnel (Linux debian)
How does the coder_script terraform resource work?
Templates and Github
Error on getting the build logs
SSH direct connection
Issues with DNS and AWS NLB pointing to EKS
Pre-installing VS code extensions in coder workspace
Coder in VPN settings, Slack repost
code-server stopped loading after upgrading coder to 2.8.1
Create workspace API endpoint stops working after upgrading Coder
Docker in Docker docker-compose volume
coder in Windows Docker Desktop
Issue with coder_access_url
Docker Template. Start/stop workspace without delete docker container
I get 'Error: expected arch to be one of [amd64 armv7 arm64], got arm' but the CPU is armv7
Exec format error on pod (ARM arch)
Password for authenticating workspaces with external services
[RESOLVED] Having issues getting coder_apps to appear in my Workspace
Need some help with understanding how the code server command creates a tunnel
is it possible to use coder to develop flutter apps?
Modify coder serviceaccount when deploying with helm charts
Coder on, stuck with error "Resource not found or you do not have access to this resource"
latest coder server + wgtunnel currently giving 404 errors
envbox + envbuilder template
Docker Dind Volume Issue
Web UI is not accessible with Docker installation
Permission denied creating first template
Docker-Compose Setup with Socket Proxy, Traefik2 & Docker Secrets
Cannot create template, docker socket permission denied
I want to install extensions from visual studio marketplace
First setup issues
Any clue what's causing this on `coder server` on a mac?
hi, i am having issues trying to use cloudflare tunnel to access coder outside the local machine.
Docker error
mount multiple volumes on 1 workspace
Need help/instructions on accessing a code-server via LAN on another PC.
I reinstalled coder becuase I was upgrading my server, I need help with docker.
Question/clarification about codercom/enterprise-base image
Cloudflare Proxy
It has been a while since I have install/used coder Please Help
OIDC with Gitlab
Can the Coder Server be a k8s service?
host volumes from dind on kubernetes
Supporting Code-Server Port Forwards from Coder
CSS not loading when configured as app
Avoid the double ssh entry locally?
Is it possible to let a reverse proxy handle authentication?
Is it possible to enable networking between coder docker containers?
After configuring the TLS-certificate in the coder config I can no longer reach the web ui
Member cannot view workspace created by admin user. Anyone have support?
Edit template startup script
Coder terminating and re-creating on start?
Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket
How to connect VSCode with Workspace?I'm using kubernetes templates. Anyone have guide?
Coder Login error
Make GIT_SSH_COMMAND envvar optional
logout ends up on sub-sub-domain
Coder templates create fail
cannot create workspace using docker-image-builds
No Coder Logs
Launching Coder Crashes (Terraform error)
Port ForwardingSSL issues
[git auth] Private repo from github org not found
SSH in k8s install not working
Cloudflare tunnel
Could someone help me add a mount to a template?
Problem running sysbox template with coder.
How can coder use a docker swarm to deploy the workspaces?
404 Errors when setting up code-server
Terraform throws an error when the coder starts the server (no access)
Cloudflare and ssl errors
SSH connection hangs up forever
If I install it then I should be able to access it on my browser right?
Coder behind Reverse Proxy and Port Forwarding
Need help with docker-code-server template.
If a docker container was deleted, how do I remove the coder container?
migrate up up Dirty database version 74.
Multiple Services running on port 80
Refusing to allow an OAuth App to create or update workflow
Issues when opening coder
Unexpected non-JSON response
Error Error pinging Docker server Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at
Coder offline issues
Is It DNS this time or code-server?
Configuring Vscode webIDE
How to see web app in coder oss
Coder Workspaces as code
No access to built workspace
Git authentication doing nothing
Templates in Kubernetes
pfSense, HAProxy, and Coder.
Jetbrains Gateway connection
docker.sock connect permission denied
Default User without sudo access
Docker in Docker setup, reach services in outer docker network
Error(Using Helm Chart) Template version job hasn't completed
{messageIncorrect login type, attempting to use oidc but user is of login type password
I'm having trouble getting a podworkspace going with sysbox on rke2
.jar Loader
Configure SSH
Install code-server from AUR fails on manjaro image
Install script doesnt update on rpm package with error about file conflicts
Right format for PG Connection String?
git clone
[RESOLVED] [Git] Unable to auto-detect email address
Error creating workspace from golang docker image
Kubernetes Pod recreation causing issue.
Workspace state running but not started
Basic Jupyter setup with code server
TF_LOG verbose Terraform output?
Cannot create DinD container.
Failed to accept WebSocket connection WebSocket protocol violation
I have coder setup in kubernetes and trying to setup workspace in kubernetes as well.
'unmarshal array into Go value of type' when trying to do `coder config-ssh`
How to connect VSCode to workspace
unexpected non-JSON response
Running workspace inside k8s pods
Download coder-agent from a host with untrusted CA certificate
Getting 404 upon coder login
provision failed
VS Code remote - SSH re-installing code-server
401 when running coder
Docs for prometheus
Need help with installation
Websocket HTTP1.1
how can I configure the x-forwarded-for support?
Azure Quickstart Failing
can't create templates in docker deploy
coder port-forward on Windows freezes request sometimes
Container can't download
SSH Config for other apps?
Provided CODER_FIRST_* ENV vars ignored for `coder login`
Does coderd support x-forwarded-for headers?
Custom button, like the code-server one?
Prevent destroying and recreating home volume on workspace update
Coder agent infinite connecting loop using certificate
kubernetes workspace - code-server-button unhealthy
Using Docker provider that depends on another
How to set workspace quota limits after 0.9.2 update?
How can I setup an SSL?
Docker templates not working whenever a subfolder is used
Agent stuck at connecting
`coder_app` resource doesn't proxy non localhost addresses
PVC Creating forever...
hashicorp mirror
Error failed to refresh cached credentials, no EC2 IMDS role found, operation error ec2imds GetMet
Issues connecting to workspace
Where can I attach an iam_instance_profile
Hi coders, is it possible to select the amount of resources in your dev env?
Terminal times out very quickly
Is there a guide to setting up a JupyterLab template on Coder OSS?
Connect SSH with docker-code-server
Issues with external Postgres DB
Editing a template's with a terraform resource such as kinesis stream hangs
Default docker-code-server template is stuck on connecting
Just need some help as coder is failing to start.
NGINX reverse proxy to Coder web UI
How to delete templates on Coder OSS?
Coder OSS- Agents keep randomly going offline
Coder CLI in docker
custom workspace icon
Using a template without an explicit `user` breaks the workspace container
Agent token is invalid inside of workspace container
code-server's config.yaml file
Agent stuck at Connecting
Setting up a database in a template
how do i set this up?
All IDE's have message Remote Dial Error Connection Refused except for VScode.
Coder OSS VS-Code Integrated Terminal Help
code-server with proxy_pass
Coder OSS - code-server certificate issue
Problems with installing
can not activate conda enviornment in `startup_script`
port-forwarding with many ports
How to Install NodeJS onto VS Code Server?
How can I enable RDPing into an ec2 instance created from the template aws-windows
Prometheus metrics
Disconnected workspace
Spyder IDE as a `coder_app`
Mount a Host folder as a volume
LetsEncrypt SSL certificate
Can we rename a user?
what user does the coder_agent startup script run as? i'm getting `Permission denied` errors
Delete a user
AWS linux VM - in `connecting` status
[code-servers] VSCode Insiders channel
Coder SSH Not Respecting SendEnv & AcceptEnv?
Requested license not received (as a student)
About template names
code-server --link on ubuntu startup
Coder code-server template docker permission denied
Coder Templates Update Not A Command In v0.8.5
workspace for docker template running in hosts per developer
template import provision for start recv import provision exit status 1
Simple template for code-server
Websocket connection failed (nginx websocket passthrough)
Coder AWS Creds info
Quick start create template not working
Cloudflare Access
Coder OSS gives docker.sock connect permission denied
Need help Port Forwarding