Profiles/settings gone cross browser/device

Hello Friends, I’ve been running with code-sever for the last few weeks, which has been great for the most part. I do have one issue though, when opening code server from a different browser or a different browser on a different device all of the settings and installed extensions in profiles are gone. And when I restart code server service the first device/browser also becomes messed up in that sense. So I’m not doing anything special, simply install code server, setup profiles, install extensions. And when I try to work from multiple devices/browsers it misses the settings. When I restart the service the first device is also missing the settings. Thanks in advance. Michael
23 Replies
Codercord2mo ago
Help needed
Please post any relevant logs/error messages.
michaelOP2mo ago
Feels like I’m missing something trivial. Any will be appreciated. Hello?
Phorcys2mo ago
hey, so if you set up your settings and then restart the service they'll just get wiped?
michaelOP2mo ago
Hi @Phorcys If I just restart there is no issue. Issues start only when I try to use from multiple devices
Phorcys2mo ago
could you send the logs for code-server?
michaelOP2mo ago
Possibly, yes. Need to check if they are still there after i fixed it last time. Worst case I can try to reproduce when I get a bit of free time and then will send you the logs. That said, I deduce from your answer that there is nothing special that I should do in order to work from multiple devices/browsers? Also I suspect it has something to do with me creating profiles. One of the other issues that I’ve observed is a project often openning in the default profile and then I need to switch manually, but maybe there is no relation to the current issue with the settings
Phorcys2mo ago
it should happen automatically yes hey, I've just tried and I am unable to reproduce your issue, switching browsers works fine for me could you answer the following questions so we can figure out the issue? - how did you install code-server? - which code-server version are you running? code-server -v - does ~/.local/share/code-server/User/settings.json exist?
michaelOP2mo ago
Hi @Phorcys ! Thanks for following up. 1. curl -fsSL | sh -s -- (this is a debian 12 machine) 2. 4.96.2 08cbdfbdf11925e8a14ee03de97b942bba7e8a94 with Code 1.96.2 3. Yes. Here is the user settings: { "workbench.colorTheme": "Monokai", "redhat.telemetry.enabled": false, "java.configuration.runtimes": [ ], "editor.fontSize": 14, "terminal.integrated.fontSize": 14, "workbench.colorCustomizations": { "editor.background": "#070707" }, "git.autofetch": true, "remote.autoForwardPortsSource": "hybrid", "git.confirmSync": false, "editor.minimap.enabled": false, "java.settings.url": "/home/codeserver/dev/java.settings" } I haven't had the chance to try and reproduce the issue yet. Regarding the logs I'm not sure because there are plenty of folders in the logs directory and I'm not sure which information they contain. If you could maybe narrow the request to specific logs or specific keywords in the logs.. One thing that I could maybe add is that I've used this installation also from Safari on iOS (phone). Maybe this is a bit uncommon and could somehow caused the issue.
Phorcys2mo ago
hey @michael, sorry I totall forgot to get back to you have you figured this out?
Phorcys2mo ago
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michaelOP2mo ago
Hey @Phorcys ! Thanks for circling back. I haven't had time to check this deeper since I had additional issues that are java related that I had to solve in the mean while. Which I'm quite proud that I found workarounds for. On the good side I also refrained from creating separate profiles and worked only in the default profile with the Java extensions and haven't seen the previous issue reproduce yet. Therefore I suspect the profiles being the prime suspect in the original issue. FYI: The java issues I had and their work arounds: 1. It's a gradle project and there is no way to debug tests (there are a few that break in different way). Workaround: run gradle with debug-jvm option from the command line and attach a debugger from vscode. 2. The project requires to be ran with Java 11 or 17, however the Java extension must be ran from Java 21. And there is no way to make it run the project using a different version. (I tried multiple ways to configure and solve this to no avail). The workaround is to specify in build.gradle the direct path to the necessary javac executable: via this option: compileJava.options.forkOptions.executable (obviously I don't like this work around). Given that I still have to work in this environment in parallel to solving all the issues, I don't have much time left to reproduce the settings breakage issues.
michaelOP2mo ago
User profiles are deleted when visited from another browser · Issue...
Is there an existing issue for this? I have searched the existing issues OS/Web Information Web Browser: Chrome Local OS: Windows Remote OS: RedHat Remote Architecture: amd64 code-server --version:...
Phorcys2mo ago
sounds good, given i can't really reproduce i'll close this but feel free to reopen once you get the time FYI, here's an answer from one of our engineers working on code-server: we have patched settings to go back onto the disk, but user state like profile data and credentials is still on the browser
Codercord2mo ago
@Phorcys closed the thread.
michaelOP2mo ago
Well I think your engineer answered the question. It doesn’t sound like using profiles across browsers is supposed to work at the moment. Indeed I’ve been using multiple browsers but refrained from using profiles and so far so good. So I’m looking forwards to have this feature in the future. It seems like a high priority issue to me.
Phorcys2mo ago
oh alright, seems like i misunderstood it was profiles you were talking about, sorry!
Phorcys2mo ago
see the currently open feature request for this ->
Store state on remote instead of browser · Issue #4212 · coder/code...
Edit by @code-asher: Storing the state in the browser has (at least) the two following problems: If you switch to another browser you have to open and configure everything all over again (what this...
michaelOP2mo ago
Have been speaking about profiles from msg #1 🙂
Phorcys2mo ago
yeah I've realized, i'm not sure how I missed it sorry
michaelOP2mo ago
Anyhow, let’s hope it gets developed soon. Code server is my primary dev env at the moment so I’m looking forwards to this feature… in the mean time, would you suggest running multiple code servers to have one for typescript, one for java, one for rust, etc as a workaround?
Phorcys2mo ago
I don't personally use profiles and share the same config but you could do this, or use devcontainers another thing, you could use Microsoft's official VS Code web if workarounds are too annoying for you
michaelOP2mo ago
I wanted to do that to have separate extensions working for different projects. I’m not familiar with the official thing, it’s missing a lot of the nice things that are implemented in code servers, but has the profiles working?
Phorcys2mo ago
just tried and the profiles don't persist either so, no luck i guess :-(

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