startup_script not working when using GitLab CI template management
When I create the template directly on Coder UI and start a workspace, everything is fine. However, when I set-up GitLab CI to push the exact same template, create the workspace, the startup_script prompts an error.
Here's the startup_script:
startup_script = <<EOF
set -e
sudo apt-get update
# install VS Code
curl -Lk '' --output vscode_cli.tar.gz
mkdir -p /tmp/vscode-cli
tar -xf vscode_cli.tar.gz -C /tmp/vscode-cli
rm vscode_cli.tar.gz
# start the web server on a specific port
/tmp/vscode-cli/code serve-web --port 13338 --without-connection-token --accept-server-license-terms >/tmp/vscode-web.log 2>&1 &
Here's the error from workspace created by GitLab CI:
Pulling image "codercom/enterprise-base:ubuntu"
Successfully pulled image "codercom/enterprise-base:ubuntu" in 1.11s (1.11s including waiting)
Created container dev
Started container dev
/bin/sh: 2: set: Illegal option -
4 Replies
Help needed
Coder (v2)
Please post any relevant logs/error messages.
What operating system are you running Coder (v2) on?
@joelynnnnn it looks like there might be issues with your line endings, are they set to LF?
yes it was the line endings causing the issues ;-; thank you!
@joelynnnnn closed the thread.