Update code-server in Coder V2
How to upgrade/update them up-to-date
11 Replies
Help needed
Coder OSS (v2)
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You can build your own images and use these in your tmeplate. Or you do the update of code-server before starting it in the agent script.
This is an example for a manjaro based custom image.
I’m trying to figure out the same thing. How can I update the code-server version running in a Docker container from the templates given by Coder? Do I have to build a custom one?
Which template are you talking about? Coder templates are meant to be examples and users are expected to tune them as per their needs.
The Docker template that comes with Coder:
For updating code-server, do I add a line to the Dockerfile?:
code-server is being installed in the main.tf file. In agent startup script.
You can move it in Dockerfile too
Ah! I see
@Trung™ If it helps, all I did was change the coder-server version in the main.tf file:
Oh really
I will have a look today