Is this an anti-pattern for coder?
I’m exploring Coder for my team members and I’m wondering if creating a docker template that install Postgres and Redis would be an anti-pattern mainly because of the infrastructures required to run the services.
12 Replies
Help needed
Coder OSS (v2)
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hey @Faruq Alli-Balogun, it is not really an anti-pattern as Coder is a bit of a specific workflow
you usually wouldn't want to pack all your microservices into one image, but in the case of Coder it does make sense
on the other hand, if you don't like that and/or you think it's better to use upstream images, you can add postgres and redis containers to your template and wire those up with the main workspace using a virtual network
Thank you @Phorcys for your answer
I used Render’s one click installation to setup Coder. Apparently render does not install docker, how do I install docker?
Docker Documentation
Learn how to choose the best method for you to install Docker Engine. This client-server application is available on Linux, Mac, Windows, and as a static binary.
So I can add it in my docker file right?
Render does not allow users install docker but I’m wondering why it’s not working when the deployment runtime is basically docker.
Coder needs access to the Docker socket so it's likely that you do not have access to it within the Coder instance
@Atif any ideas?
Exactly what I meant
Render is running Coder as a container so it's not possible to install docker. You know that it's not very straightforward to install docker in docker.
Thank you @Atif
You can link to an external remote docker host running on a VM though,
See for details
closing this issue :-)
@Phorcys closed the thread.