Automation for importing the .code-profile inside terraform template
Hello, I have created a workspace using available kubernetes template on coder server. Now I am able to connect to the workspace, But I want an existing .code-profile to be imported inside my workspace. I understand that the terraform templates in coder can be modified, however is there any way to modify the template in such a way that whenever a workspace is created using that template, automatically the profile gets loaded within that workspace.
8 Replies
Help needed
Coder OSS (v2)
Please post any relevant logs/error messages.
there are no errors
would that profile be based on the user or would the profile be per-workspace?
per workspace. Basically its a common profile all the developers from team shall use. Instead of manually configuring it, we want the settings to be preloaded for all the workspaces created using the template
you could add it in the container image for your template
either to the
folder or to another folder to be copied later on by the startup script
otherwise if you have some kind of secure file sharing then maybe you'll want to fetch it dynamically on workspace startupI can get the file from /home/user folder, but how do I configure the startup script to install that profile in the code-server.
Basically I want this setting here to be automated into terraform template so the user doesnt have to manually import the profile