Building template is stuck queued
No builds for templates have been done for the past day or two but when I tried to update a template and build it is stuck queued with no progress

35 Replies
Help needed
Coder (v2)
Please post any relevant logs/error messages.
ill check the server logs because i assume that will have something
which way did you use to install Coder?
i run it under docker, using a compose file
please do!
trying to find the most relevent logs because theres lots
are there any keywords i should look for?
look for "provisioner"
but you can send the full log too
pretty sure this is all of it because the template version audit
oh wait maybe its a visual bug?
i think it did build
could you send full logs? this doesn't really have any errors in it
i clicked resources and now output is not clickable

and i just noticed success up here

could it be just visuals?
yes, could be
check under "versions" in your template's settings to see if a new version was pushed
the output showing that is what threw me off because i didnt look at the top to see if it lets me publish
pretty weird still, could you make a video showing the bug so I can report it to our engineers?
let me see if it happens again
hm so it queues for a little while
because its still currently "enqueued"

after like a minute
not sure why it would be going so slow and building for minutes
usually its instant
could be this? because im pretty sure it does build

yeah if i refresh it has built already
yes, likely the issue
i dont see any ws logs is that seperate?
could you send a screenshot of the health page?

there's no logs, it just fails to connect


are you using a reverse-proxy in front of Coder?
yes nginx
i replaced the server name with a placeholder but this is how my config looks
i checked nginx logs for
and none of the logs show any issues all 101 status codeThis could be a Provisioner bug. Could you move this to a GitHub issue?
my bad didnt see this
what should i put in the issue?
Your Coder version, template code and everything we can do to reproduce the behavior.
websocket connection fails sometimes when building template · Issue...
this causes the frontend to show as if it is still enqueued but if refreshed everything built fine my coder version is v2.18.3+a5a7326 here is a screenshot of health check: and here is the nginx co...