Install code-server from AUR fails on manjaro image
I've setup a local kubernetes cluster and want to explorer features and possibilities with coder v2. We are planing to sell a profession license to use enterprise feature too.
This is what i've done. Create a new docker image FROM manjarolinux/base:latest and installed some tools for my development. To my surprise the install script for code-server detects my distro and clones the git repo and starts building. Until this point is all fine. But the script stops after creating the pacman package file.
If I do manually install the package and start the code-server the health check wents green. Any idea why this stocks in installation?
14 Replies
could you provide error logs?
you should be able to
docker build
the image manually to get logsthe build is done without errors. When the workspace is started then the script does not finish.
I've already dumped out the installtion log. wait a minute and let me recreate the workspace so I can copy the log
this looks all fine.
the log file gets truncated and nothing else happends
ok I got it:
- remove installation script from template
- download script via wget
- do manully
cat | sh | tee code-server-install.log
- same error. it fails because of missing parameter --noconfirm
in makepkg callyou should install code-server at build in the image
or use an AUR helper
Why? The same installation method work properly for ubuntu based image. See official template here
coder/ at a02617b66b4d0a314c2c4b1ad691bca36eab5e5f · coder/c...
A tool that provisions remote development environments via Terraform - coder/ at a02617b66b4d0a314c2c4b1ad691bca36eab5e5f · coder/coder
The template is most exacly the same but I'm using my own Manjaro based image instead
you'd want to install inside the image because it's slower to install from the build script and you get less debug
so, this is resolved right ? @Deleted User
yes, but I can't figure out how to mark this as resolved. Everytime I click edit -> tags nothing happends...
By the way. My patch to fix this got merged into code-server
I closing this thread now
you can use
ok. thanks for your hint. I am a newby on discord
Marked the thread as resolved.