Error Error pinging Docker server Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at
Hey team,
I have already configured coder on my Azure Kubernetes cluster, configured my domain and I'm able to log in.
I'm trying to upload my first Template following some steps like ( on my local machine ):
- coder login ( all good on this step )
- coder template init ( choosed the docker-code-server )
- cd ./docker-code-server && coder templates create
But in this moment I got the
Error: Error pinging Docker server: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
I'm using WSL2, and I'm able to run all my docker commands ( docker info, docker-compose up etc etc ). So not sure how debug this.
I have the Ubuntu integration enabled on my Docker Desktop.6 Replies
hey team!
still struggling with this
is Coder running in your kubernetes cluster? if so, it won't be able to access the docker socket on your local machine
when you upload a template it gets executed by the server, not your local machine!
hmmmm, but I'm still confused.
how can I send an template to my cluster?
you can, but if the server can't access your docker socket it can't provision the container on your local machine
hmmmm, sorry
I'm still confused of how can I send templates to my cluster.
you should use
coder login <url>
on your own machine, then coder templates update
(or create
you could also send the template from the coder host to itself, that would work.
the only issue is that your template point to /var/run/docker.sock
and the container that Coder is running in cannot access that path, likely because it is not mounted