Marco Aleixo
Marco Aleixo
Created by Marco Aleixo on 6/19/2023 in #help
Docker Dind Volume Issue
Hey team I’m struggling to build the following setup I have my Linux virtual machine running on Azure acting as a coder host And I have the default docker template that you provide I’m creating an workspace and installing docker inside of it Inside the workspace I’m cloning my git repo that includes an docker-compose that setups my project using VOLUMES But when I run the docker compose and I exec inside the containers, the files are actually directories, I spent some hours googling it and it seems that this is related to the docker inside my workspace actually using my host docker sock ( kind weird but I think that’s it ) and because of that docker is not able to really find the git clonned repo to be used as a volume Do you know how fix this? Or if can I use a different approach? I really need to use the docker-compose with volumes because because I need to use the hot reload feature to improve my experience
45 replies
Created by Marco Aleixo on 12/16/2022 in #help
Error Error pinging Docker server Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at
Hey team, I have already configured coder on my Azure Kubernetes cluster, configured my domain and I'm able to log in. I'm trying to upload my first Template following some steps like ( on my local machine ): - coder login ( all good on this step ) - coder template init ( choosed the docker-code-server ) - cd ./docker-code-server && coder templates create But in this moment I got the Error: Error pinging Docker server: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? I'm using WSL2, and I'm able to run all my docker commands ( docker info, docker-compose up etc etc ). So not sure how debug this. I have the Ubuntu integration enabled on my Docker Desktop.
11 replies