Supporting Code-Server Port Forwards from Coder
Is this something that currently works and I just haven't set it up right? I am connecting through a coder instance running on my VPS, so localhost is not correct.
12 Replies
If this feature is not currently working, then is there another method to expose services running on the workspace?
Hmm, this should only work if you have a wildcard domain setup for forwarding ports.
Okay cool, I can get that setup. Will it be automatic when I have that option set?
Right now I own, and run coder on
If I add a CNAME so that I have * point to coder, then set the wildcard domain up in the helm chart, it should work?
I'm also planning on making a ticket / PR to add more info to the helm docs - If that's useful to you guys
It should work!
That would be helpful to us. Users can give a less biased perspective on our docs than we have, so the contributions are welcome!
Cool! I'm trying to push your software at work, and also trying to move my hobbyist stuff onto it.
We'll see how that goes - but for now it's going really well, few kinks to work out, as well as k3s being painful with sysbox, but that's expected at this level
Hey @kyle , sorry I forgot I made this thread. Basically, adding wildcardhost didn't help, its still saying localhost
You'll have to add an environment variable to set the wildcard host too! See:
We'll be fixing this soonish!
is not set when `coder.ingress.wildcard...If you set coder.ingress.wildcardHost=... in the Helm chart, I would expect that the Coder pod will have the corresponding configuration for CODER_WILDCARD_ACCESS_URL, but it doesn't get that.
Ah okay sweet. Thanks :))
@kyle this doesn't seem to be working
And I run
Got it - I needed to remove the
- maybe worth removing the URL
part of that env var to make it clearer its a domain not a URL?