15 Replies
Help needed
Coder OSS (v2)
Please post any relevant logs/error messages.
I tried
docker netowkr prune
, flushing firewalld, setting dns server, no luck
docker pull work
Now getting a
for registry.terraform.io/coder/coder: failed to retrieve authentication
curl https://github.com
work on the host? (outside of the container)yes work
including git commands
do you have a proxy configured maybe ?
well nope
oh wait
@深雪 could you
docker exec
into the Coder container and do nslookup github.com
(replace nslookup
with anything that does DNS lookups or temporarily install it into the container)
my guess is that DNS resolution is broken within the container
if that doesn't work then you can force DNS servers by setting the dns
property of your Docker service for coder
like this
https://stackoverflow.com/a/41717827i tried this before, wget github.com in the container works well, and dns is already set to in daemon.json
setting the DNS in the daemon settings isn't the same as setting it in the compose file, but okay
you've tried this in the Coder container right?
if you start this workspace again does it still fail?
if yes, is it the same error?
yes, still same error
hey, sorry, I honestly don't know what the issue could be
you should open up a ticket @ https://github.com/coder/coder/issues so that our engineers can take a look
i'd assume it's a Docker networking issue though
okay, thanks for ur assistance
@Phorcys closed the thread.