cannot create workspace using docker-image-builds
During workspace creation using
template I'm getting this issue:
Error: failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: pull access denied, repository does not exist or may require authorization: server message: insufficient_scope: authorization failed
8 Replies
You need docker build -f base.Dockerfile with -t coder-base:0.1 .
In console in directory of images
thanks this solved my issue 👏
wasn't clear for me we had to build image before using as I don't think it is mentionned in readme
You need build base image, others like node Java and etc with use it and build yourself
I see, we just build the base and other images will be automatically built. Currently trying node image.
One more question, can we create custom image built with docker compose, for instance to get nginx running alongside in a workspace?
You can use any docker image.
will try that, so instead of making Dockerfile, we can provide docker-compose.yml file?
or maybe our images lays inside
and then we can docker-compose them, to build workspace, but not sure how this can be done,Actually idk about compose but you can if I correct understand
ok thanks will check later.