Access url is throwing a cert error
I have coder deployed using helm on a k3s cluster. I also have a self signed CA which is needed to authenticate requests to https://coder.lan
values.yaml files:
EACS03: get healthz endpoint: Get "https://coder.lan/healthz": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
The cert is being mounted to /etc/ssl/certs successfully. However, it is not being updated for curl (for example) to access the url without getting an x509: certificate signed by unknown authority error
Any ideas why this is?
4 Replies
Help needed
Coder OSS (v2)
Please post any relevant logs/error messages.
Are you able to use curl directly? That error sounds like it's complaining about the CA and not the cert itself, that might point to permissions issue with the mounted cert. You could try mounting the CA instead
The CA is correct, when I try to curl inside the servers pod it also gets a cert error. When I wget the url and specifically define the ca file location with the —ca-certificate flag with the ca file then it works fine. Seems like an issue with the server not doing update-ca-certificates or whatever needs to be done to put the cert into /etc/ssl/certs/certificates.crt
found the solution to the issue:
should be