I found a couple issues mentioning "workspace_owner_oidc_access_token" but not much in the docs. Is that still working? I am trying to setup some templates with azure resources in aks etc. and there is no external auth for azure except the azure devops one. Is is possible to do similiar things with an OIDC token.
also from the example below are there anymore examples of using the extra property? I am wondering if I can use something like to get specific OIDC fields from the user or something.
- Obtain an extra property of an access token for additional metadata.:
$ coder external-auth access-token slack --extra "authed_user.id"
18 Replies
Help needed
Coder OSS (v2)
Please post any relevant logs/error messages.
is now deprecated in favor of coder_workspace_owner.oidc_access_token
@Atif https://github.com/coder/modules/tree/main/jfrog-oauth how to get this to run after dotfiles so that it finds the ~/.bashrc? depends_on dopesn't seem to work
modules/jfrog-oauth at main · coder/modules
A collection of Terraform Modules to work with Coder. - coder/modules
Information we don't have a clean way to do that for now. And all
resources execute in parallel.GitHub
feat: allow execution ordering for
· Issue #10352 · ...Overview Currently, when building a workspace with multiple instances of coder_script, all are run concurrently, preventing any sequencing logic. To remedy this, some serialization should be implem...
We have to modify the module to support this dependence.
would it be possible to give an example of the workaround? i am not sure I follow where to add the while loop
coder/dogfood/contents/main.tf at main · coder/coder
Provision remote development environments via Terraform - coder/coder
Here we are waiting for a file to exist
coder/dogfood/contents/main.tf at main · coder/coder
Provision remote development environments via Terraform - coder/coder
ok thanks I will try some of these workarounds. Is there a way to get the users name in the coder parameters? I tried coder_workspace_owner.me.name but it just said default. I assuming because the template hasn't actually run yet. I am trying to fill out a default option or description of parameter that is a url of gitlab repo that includes the users name. Like a dotfiles repo in their own namespace.
will give the username in terraform apply
i.e. when the workspace is built. But for rendering it prior to build its not possiblehow does the owner parameter get populated? By default it has the user creating the template selected. Could I get that somehow?
it gets populated by the Coder provider, it is equal to the user that owns the workspace
I'm not sure I understand your question though
I was just wondering in the description, for example of a dotfiles parameter, could you somehow say as example gitlab.mycorp.com/<current_user>/dotfiles.git
as in where is enter a URL for a dotfile repo (optional) is shown here in this picture but you can see the owners username above. I tired to do it with coder_workspace_owner.me.name but it just displayed "default"
oh yeah i see what you mean
so it won't work in a placeholder value i think
i can't look into this rn but i'll set a reminder
Alright @Phorcys, in 2 days: …
@Phorcys, <t:1727110603:R>: …
hey @Spiked_Grape, so it isn't currently possible but I reopened this issue
Using coder_workspace data source in coder_parameter defaults · Iss...
In something like a the dotfiles repo parameter, I would find it useful to specify a default that includes the username which we could recommend as convention for users to place their repository. P...