The difference between installing coder server using the command line and using Docker.

Dear all, I have some question. Sequence 1 : When I use command line to install coder in Ubuntu PC , I have Web (refer 1st image) .it is running in localhost : but I can't find the folder setup . And I want to publicize it for my team ( I have created DNS , installed apache2 ). Could you share with me some ideas using apache2 without using Cloudflare, nghix ,ect... Sequence 2: When I stucking in Sequence 1, I install coder server by Docker I have setup (refer 2nd ; 3rd image) ( The web show the VS cdoe) , but it is not smillar with I using command line to install Best regard, Ben
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Atif8mo ago
For sequence 1 please see: I don't understand what you mean it's different when you run through docker.
coder/examples/web-server/apache at main · coder/coder
Provision remote development environments via Terraform - coder/coder

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