Coder.com6mo ago

[Beginner] set up Clickhouse container

Hi, I'm relatively new with coder, I'm trying to set up a workspace with two containers: one with my own image where I keep all my development tools, and one with a DB server. The basic idea is to mimic a work environment, but instead of a remote DB I have it all on localhost. My first attempt was with Postgres, and it was quite smooth: I just declared a container in the TF template, used the official PG docker image, declared a volume claim, and set some env variables. Worked like a charm, if I run netstat -nlp I can see port 5432 as usual and I can easily connect to it using psql. However I didn't have as much luck with Clickhouse, which is another DB I use for OLAP and stuff. I got the official image from here: https://hub.docker.com/r/clickhouse/clickhouse-server/ Then I added the two volume claims as suggested in the image's docs (logs and data), but this time nothing pops up. I also can't see much from the deployment logs. What can I do?
3 Replies
Codercord6mo ago
Help needed
Coder OSS (v2)
Please post any relevant logs/error messages.
Atif6mo ago
Are you also using a shared network for DB and your dev container?
Phorcys5mo ago
also, could you send over both templates that you use? (the one with Postgres and the one with Clickhouse) @LMD, any luck?

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