Issue with coder_access_url

Hi, I'm launching coder through a terraform-script using the official AWS AMI. After changing the CODER_ACCESS_URL=http://...... I still get forwarded to some random address in us-east i.e when trying to access it. Why is this happening? Is it because of the HTTP-usage or is it something else that needs to be configured. I have no option to use https at the moment since everything is for internal testing purposes. Thank you for the help.
5 Replies
Codercord12mo ago
Help needed
Coder OSS (v2)
Please post any relevant logs/error messages.
Phorcys12mo ago
where are you defining your CODER_ACCESS_URL ? it seems that coder isn't seeing it
CroutonOP12mo ago
Done both ways. Export and edit the env. in /etc/coder.d/coder.env. Tried both without the other as well. EDIT: I dont know how this is supposed to work but it seems I need to change both of them in order for coder to start succesfully Also finding errors in my journalctl -u coder.service -b. According to the logs coder still wants me to specify the http:// or https:// for the address. EDIT: Get no error now, I was tired yesterday and forgot to put http:// in coder.env. Although, when I "coder server" it I get no error from the booting process of coder, it just says that it connected successfully to my RDS and also gives me the address to the Load Balancer. Edit: Seems as if coder has started, now I get a time-out when trying to connect to it, both through the nlb and the instance public IP.
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CroutonOP12mo ago
All seems to be working now. For future if someone has the same issue (and I don't know if this is needed but in my case) I needed to specify the CODER_ACCESS_URL variable in both places. In my user_data it looks something like this. #Configure env for coder sed -i 's#CODER_ACCESS_URL=#CODER_ACCESS_URL=${web_url}#' '/etc/coder.d/coder.env' sed -i 's#CODER_PG_CONNECTION_URL="postgres://coder:coder@localhost/coder?sslmode=disable"#CODER_PG_CONNECTION_URL="postgres://${db_username}:${db_password}@${rds_endpoint}/coderrds?sslmode=disable"#' "/etc/coder.d/coder.env" #Configure the env. echo export CODER_PG_CONNECTION_URL="postgres://${db_username}:${db_password}@${rds_endpoint}/coderrds?sslmode=disable" >> /etc/profile echo export CODER_ACCESS_URL="${web_url}" >> /etc/profile Another question for that someone might have the answer to. I'm got my EC2s in eu-north, when using the templates that comes with the basic installation the template region is specified to us-east. Is this something that I need to configure with coder or what's happening?
Atif12mo ago
You can edit the template to update the region And it's a bit weird that you needed to specify the CODER_ACCESS_URL at both places. Are you running as a system service or on CLI using coder server

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