Pass Git credentials from Coder into Envbuilder
Hi, I have deployed Coder on K8s via Helm.
As far as I understand after reading the docs,
provides an authentication method via a GitHub OAuth app, but this only helps users log in and register with the Coder server. When creating a workspace using Envbuilder, users still need to provide additional credentials in some way (such as ENVBUILDER_GIT_PASSWORD
) to clone a private repository. This may not be convenient for users who have already logged in with GitHub or may "feel insecure" about pasting their sensitive credentials.
In section Secrets did mention about SSH key pairs for each user, I've add this public key into my github account but I still cannot clone private repo within Envbuilder.
How can user use this public key to be able to clone their repo when creating Coder workspace?2 Replies