Jetbrains IDE Support
i was wondering if someone could help me out with getting jetbrains IDEs set up with coder. I have it hosted and running, but when i try to connect with an IDE, the select IDE button is always grayed out.
21 Replies
@sdrx Have you seen this before?
Also @Jaidyn could you try using and see if you are able to connect?
JetBrains Gateway - Coder Registry
Add a one-click button to launch JetBrains Gateway IDEs in the dashboard.
hey @Jaidyn, could you show a screenshot of the workspace's page on the web UI?
i tried adding that but still no luck
are you using a "from scratch" template? it seems that your template is not provisioning a
resourceyeah i am
what did you install Coder on? Docker?
its running on windows server 2022
(@Atif I am not sure whether I've opened an issue on this, but this behavior is what happens when no agent is provisioned, we should improve the UX)
i see, basically the way that Coder works is that it has to provision resources such as compute (e.g a VM, a container, etc) and an agent that is being ran in that compute
ahh makes sense
I think your best bet would be to install Docker Desktop on your Windows Server and set up Coder to use it
docker should be running already
its just a matter of figuring out how to make coder work with it
and that complicates things...
Try using the Docker template
that looks a lot more promising! thank you so much for all the help!
Envbuilder only works on Linux
and gateway lets me connect now! thanks a ton!
no worries!
closing the issue now that it's resolved :-)
@Phorcys closed the thread.