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All posts for MechaKeys
fre kiycaps 🤑
quick questiom
bro i need help
I can't get my old account back on v2
Keyboard Sound doesnt work in some apps as a background
how can i claim my rewards
i link my discord profile to mechakeys and i dont get free 100keycaps
How can I unlink my account !
question of the day
How to unlink my account
Unlink request
I forgot my password pls help
i wanna know if im able to connect mechakeys to my microphone input, is this possible or not?
It doesn't work for me for more than 3 hours
Keypack Editor
it logged me out of mecha keys n i put the wrong email hn i had 893k keys
cant access server chats
I have a problem find the link
i dont get keystrokes anymore anyone help me please
Can't link my account
Hello, I have a problem with my Mechakeys accoun.
Im broke anything helps
im broke anything helps
my linking email wont pop up on the email acc that i linked my mechakeys acc too
Please donate i have only 30 keycaps
im on mecha keys but when i play fortnite it works for like 20 sec then stops and glitches
why is the achieve ment not succeding
hi guys i linked my account but it dose not work with me idk why can anyone help me ?
lag in game
i dont see mechkey on the mixline
i am broke as hell
palaes i want some kaeycaeps
im broke, pls donate
song on discord
Im Broke :(
How to make my friends hear the app
the mouse dont sound
pas de son
pls donate
If your old mechakeys is having a problem use the new one:/
old (banned) discord account linked
yo Halu im broke can i have some keycaps
Halu U should give em some caps ong (pleaseeeeee)
Any kind donations here :) merry Xmas
im HELLAAAAAA broke pls donate
how to get keystrokes?
How can i become mod
im getting nothing from typing? its just stuck on one number.
Im soo broke
how are people on the leaderboard typing so fast? wanna learn bc i have no key caps ðŸ˜
Disable certain keys
nah im more broke
Im soo broke
im broke Real shit
I reset pass, no code, man they need more tags
Lol everybody broke (nekorb eson, kdi m'i dreiw)
Im broke
I'm broke
im broke
MechaKeys V2
Donte to me pls I have 70 key caps pls im so broke dada
I'm broke
im broke!!!
if u donate to me ur sigma
Pls donate
pls donate to the broke
Gift to the poor
Im broke
Can I get keys because my dog is cute
gift to homeless
erm i put the wrong email for mecha keys how do i change it
how do i unlink my mechakey account from another discord
whats the best one
What is the best one?
i forgot my password and dont remember the email, please help
I die how can i resurge? help
How can I recover my mechakeys account?
How can I level up faster?
How my friends can hear my mecha macro keyboard sound ?!
how can i use it on my controller??
How can i use on my controller?
relink pls
email is missing
help mixline
i cant link account
Recommend a good 65% keyboard
Cant link my account
when linking account i dont get an email
the login not work
How to hear a preview of Keyboard Soundpacks?
I need keycaps
how do i get my keycaps
why is mk giving me so much delay
how can i do that others can hear it in fortnite
All keystrokes are invalid
Mechakeys app says keystrokes were at negative
dosent work in games
log in
When i downloaded the new mechakeys, the keycaps and the keyboard sounds didnt load in the new one
How do I use Chelly Blue?
i cant relink my account
I have 2 accounts with the same gmail??
Random crashing
How do i connect app to discord calls
Mechakeys not registering my keystrokes and clicks.
Mechakeys dll error
How do I tell if Mechakeys has been updated
Mechakeys not working
How i can play this?
can someone tell me which account is this ? its like to my mk acc
how to instal a theme into mechakeys?
how can i see what discord account i have linked to my mechakeys account?
i dont want to do 10000 key caps again
Daily limit
how do i unlink my mechakeys account?
can any mod/staff tell me the email that is linked to my mechakeys acc?
why is my sensitivity like 4x higher when im using mecha keys in a game i cant play
No email is sending
Sounds working when app closed
no email is sending
pls can a mod help
how to link you're mechakey account to discord it don't work in link-you're-account
Missing Keyboard Soundpacks
2 accounts pls help
linking discord error
how to make an account
I first deleted the application and then reinstalled it and it gives this error :( please help me by
I cant change my mouse and keybpard sounds to diff ones
is there a way to make other ppl hear the sounds?
menu bug
Whenever i use Minecraft, i don't hear the custom sounds
Java script error
Daily rewards
CPU Usage?
Cannot login or request password
i need help
bug with instant replay on geforce experience
why cant i claim lol (bug)
The 2 new other rewards for the top 100 is bugged
mechakeys acc linked to another
Unlink account
mechakey installing error
It says my discord account is linked on the leaderboard but im not linked
how do i link my discord
can i some way turn on wafter i start pc mechakeys automaticly start ??
can someone please change my gmail if they can
sound problem.
when i try to open , i get a
cant hear
Can't link account???
I get an error when installing it (I'm Spanish)
hello how i get this
its stuck
JavaScript Error, SyntaxError: Unexpected token
Unlink Api
how to earn keycaps?
need help to run mechakeys on mac
Trading and/or Donating ability
robo bot when i link discord account it said account not found
why my mous have no soud i have buy corsair mous and i have activate
help i spelled everything right with my username but it says that it dosent excist or its spe
performance mode idea
can i earn some keycaps if im in top 4 weekly leaderborad?
cant link
How do i change my email
khanada kb sound
i forgot my username and the recovery doesnt work wwhat should i do
I keep getting mouse sounds, even though I'm not clicking (and the counter goes up)
does v2 let you make it so other people hear it?
Account linked not getting rewards
Mechakeys v2 wont open and update!
It wont work while I start Fortnite!
How can I make my friends infldscord hear the sound
I bought the 12k keycaps bundle but didnt recieve my keycaps...
I cant link my account even tho its the right username
how can i unlink my mechakeys accoun from dc
why am i not on the leaderboard?????
how to close it????
major performance issues
mouse sound not working
i was about to get omipoint b but it laged and i bouth gateron brown can i please get an refound
MechaKeys Automatic Startup
email not received
Camera problems in games when activating mouse sounds
no internet
About Levels
look me
I was trying to buy keycaps and it didn't work, but then it went through and it was -1400 keycaps
I cant link my account
mechakey, how to hear in vc
Buy Keycaps
add a keystroke overlay
I forgot my Username and Password,
when ?
How can i add more mouse sounds
how to fix key sound switches from side to side on headset
Username change
I try to use it on Fortnite but I don't hear the sound anything I can do to fix this?
Not Working
i can't hear anything when i'm in a game what do i need to do
Can i refund?
Forgot my account name, can a mod check (I linked it to the discord)
how do i get the discord presence for mechakeys
Something doesn't add up...
Failed to uninstall old application files. Please try running the installer again.: 2
Can I adjust the volume of keyboard sounds and mouse sounds separately?
1 wrong character in email.
mechakeys linux tar.gz
keystokes to keycaps
unlink discord
Change email account
Switching keyboard soundpacks from the menu bar on MacOS occasionally crashes MechaKeys
I cant hear sound of mecha keys on recording in xbox game bar
Userbots on the server saving user and server information
Is account merging possible?
please add the lego building sound
A Channel Where I See What a Every Level Grant You.
mechakeys application is not showing anywhere on my pc
Mechakeys Leaderboard
How do I delete my mechakeys account?
i dont see any email from machkays
i dont hear my keys ingame
If we aren't getting the community store soon, at least make the keycap editor usable
More themes?
I accedintly bought the holy pandas can someone help me?
hi I accidentally deleted all the keyboard sound files. I tried reinstalling, it didn't work either,
how can i let people hear mechakeys when voicechat and ty for help 3<
Mehcakeys not working
unsynced keystrokes
i can hear the mouse but not the keyboard packs
Let others hear Mechakeys:
MechaKeys delayed
it doesnt let me buy it the first time i tryied it it worked now it doesnt
Guys why do discord sounds come when i start using the app like when i use the keyboard and mouse
bro i opened mecha keys to play a game with it and it fucks it up
i didnt get the email help me pls
Unable to apply theme (on Mac at least)
what do i do with pokeball
i cant hear anything with vb audio
Themes help
How can I achieve this achievement?
Keyboard does not have sound
Custom soundpacks
How can i get mechakey noise while im playing fortnite?
how can i make a single bind like insert doesnt sound if i put a macro in it ?
еhow to reach LVL 3
switch sounds through mic?
gifting other players
Log In issue
Blueberry MX (free)
how do i link my acc on mecha keys
I can't hear the keys in fortnite
how can i fix this
fix ur farming detection thing
give me and hakari refund bro we lost like 400 keycaps from this glitch
how to make your friends hear the clicks?
bro i used wireshark and mechakeys is a keylogger
I linked my account and did not get the reward
Email change problem
cant link my account
Error popups after hybernation
I need 9 keycaps for the holy panda switches Please help
Is there any way to make ppl in voice chat hear mechakeys too?
Minimize to taskbar/system tray on startup?
How i know my level?
i forgot my account's password, can i make another?
I can make my friends in fortnite hear mechakeys?
how do i buy gold relic
my mouse sound not work
i didnt got my 100 keycaps for linking my acc
its not sending me the link
profile not found
corsair sound not working
unlink acc
how i gey keycaps from discord?
how i fix the link your account and is says is go to my emial and is not senting nafing
sync glitch
v2 sounds to fortnite vc
I cant hear mechakeys
Mechakeys not working
will using a way to get sounds for free get me banned?
New Soundpacks?
How come it says 85% even though I have 100,000 keystrokes
i lost my account
is there a way to use the keys but not hear them in ur mic
mechakeys can’t run
Why The F*** My Mechakeys Sound Muffled
Language translator
What's this?
forgot my user name and password
Make Mechakeys open on startup?
Staff role
is it possible to go from version 2 to version 1 of mecha keys
a javascript error occurred in the main process
How to connect mechakeys v2 account to discord?
cant install mechakeys
I cant hear the mechakeys keyboard sounds while playing games
i need much help
i tried to link my account on discord and did not get the message and now i can not get another one
can you do to return return 1 or 3 orders
SoundPacks Deleted
i link my discord and it says incomplete......THE bar is ful with green
Keystrokes counter stops randomly
Unclaimable Rewards. (100% and still Uncompleted)
i lost like 300 keycaps somehow
Network Error - this could be due to FIREWALL, DNS, ISP, or connectivity issues.
Legacy theme
Not working
Is not detecting my keyboard
Unlinking old account
can anyone help me
i can't change my password and i forgot the old one
Bugged in leaderboard
Lost Password
logging me out
how can i make my keys very loud
I accidentally deposited the last 5 dollars, I entered the card number but did not request a confirm
wanted 32 bit version of mecha keys
Unable to link account
Achievement Not Giving Keycaps
how i level up?
problem key
How I let someone hear the sound of the keyboard
Unlink discord
Discord RPC on every time i start my pc
let others hear
How do I take the daily gift?
why does it say i dont have enough coins to buy this when i have 73k keystrokes
how do i accept my link reward
If i create a new account can you guys give me my keycaps back
what je n'est pas reçue mais keykaaps
Auto-Update Error
Can you guys make more Mouse sounds?s
recording issue
just help me pls
Linking account
Linking account
What can I do to easily increase my level?
Account Access
Please tell me how to raise the level easily.
Offline Mode
Linking account
rewards bug
audio not working
keycaps problem
I really just got called out for typing for the past 30 minutes.
i just need 90 keycaps for ominiscient A plsss
Help me
Can i never link my mechakeys account
my mouse sound doenst workk
How can I unlink my account and link another one, I lost the other one
How to auto sync?
Linking Account
I've already entered several passwords and it won't work
No sound
i dont know how to redeem keystrokws or whatever for keycaps
custom theme not working
Not Able to link my account
It says i linked my account to my discord
I dont know how to link discord to mechakeys
my mechakeys says it cannot unistall old files but i cancelled manually is there a fix
mouse broke
firewall isusue
I can't link my account the button is transparent a little bit Help me
I got internal server error and I couldn't buy a soundpack!!!
dont receive mail
Accidentally bought omnipoint b instead of omnipoint a
accidentally bought
is there a way to make my freinds/other people hear the sound in fortnite
I have lost a lot of keycaps
how do i link my discord accont to mecha keys v2?
my keystrokes say I have 16k but in my hobbyist achievement why do I only have like 34%? even tho ho
delete my role pls
cant open v2 link
where to see ur email of mechakeys??
Forbidden Error
MechaKeys Account
how do i get xpdd
account lose
MechaKeys doesn't play any sound in the background
Mechakeys Bug
i cant regiester
How can i unlink my discord account from my Mechakeys account
ive linked my discord account but still havent gotten my reward how to fix?
about posting videos with mechakeys
I buyed a pack on accident again.
OK popup from last Mechakeys version to latest
add the possibility to use mouse sound for the keyboard
mechakeys bug
can you tell me which mail is linked to my account?
can i make mechakeys work on controller
its say "Not enough to purchase this item" but i have 3k keystokes
Issues with audio
how do i level up
cant link acc
cant link acc
sound delay
0 keycaps
does anyone can answer that questionnary please is for school
Mouse sound
When i try linking my discord account it says my mechakeys account doesnt exist
How can i make mechakeys run as admin always
keystrokes dont sync
-50 keycaps
looking for a refund
keeps getting internal server error
Not getting my keycaps??
i cant claim it
Sound glitching
More sounds
Account name
I dont hear them in fortnite
Negative keycaps (-603 keycaps)
why do i have - 296 keycaps wtf i had so many
how do i make the sounds go into my mic
Not working
i have 500k keystrokes but i didnt get the achievement
my mouse soundpack isnt working
I bought a sound and it doesnt sound like it at all.
what are all the ways to get coins in mechakeys
-50 Keycaps
Cant claim rewards
Hello i tried to buy a sound and it lagged so i bought it twice and now i have -469 keycaps.
cant link acc
Double achievement rewards
Linked account but the achievement didint work.
It won't let me claim a reward when I complete it
cant linkz acc
Need to unconnect my account
I can't link my account
Stream without hearing
Can someone give me some keycaps? I want omnipoint A soundpack but it is so expensive.
new bug idk
How i can record this keys to my videos, like a virtual audio device
How yall see your mechakeys like that?
negative coin
Mechakeys not working.
Can someone give me 440 keys? I just want a new sound please
How do I make obs studio (my recording software) hear the click sounds?
can sombody give me 750 keycaps ive jit been trying for 1month
Add more click sounds!
Java Script Error + Unable to download sounds
put me back to 0 keycaps plsssss
Why when i go reset password put forbidden?
Cant unlink my account
I cant listen the sound of the keys in the fornite
I dont hear it i've tried everything
Informations about switches
how do i switch the audio input so it can be heard in discord when i use it
How can i stop mechakeys from displaying it on my discord activity status ?
after installing special characters dont work
how to make other people hear the keyboard sounds like in Fortnite
Is this a Skyblock reference?
How can I change my username?
ok so i try link my account and my usename wont work any help
Does mechakeys ban in cs2as
hi, i forgot my password
Mechakeys broke for me
No colour
Referral code for creators
i cant sign up
MechKey, How to hear in Games ?
I Dindt recive my reward for linked account
i want to return the keycaps
I got mecha keys v2
Can't link my discord
Red/Yellow bar
Achievement wont claim
Please Help
how to get 5 keycaps fast?
logging in
username help
how i link my new account to mechakeys dicord
i have over 100k keys but i cant clam my hotfinger tips reward pls help
Leveling up
no keystrokes on leaderbord
i hear the sounds, but when iam ingame i dont, any fixes?
i cant reset my password
how to do account in MechaKeys ?:robo_peepopensive:
Accidentally bought the Bluecherry MX 2
No reward
custom sounds
Let Others Hear
No level 5 role😔
i can't register
my sensitivity changes in minecraft
how to get xp
how to link your discord account to mecha-keys
yo look
Can i post videos on youtube with asmr with this app?
"Let Others Hear" Compendium
how to fix?
Cant upgrade to new version
caps lock bug
wont give me a email
how do I make people here my mechakehs in game like an automatic soundboard please help
Java error
Putting keyboard sounds into mic
give me access to my clubhouse
alguien que me ayude con este error /
Is MechaKeys safe?
No sound
incomplete clicks
Changing PFP
Keystrokes not rendering
I found a glitch
How to level up?
How to link my discord
I cant remember my password, and my email is hacked
JavaScript Error?
MechaKeys Only Mouse works not Keyboard pleese help
I no longer have my keys
How can I play my Mechakeys Audio to the Microphone so my friends can hear it via Fortnite VC?
I got 3 million keystrokes in mechakeys v2 and they should have given me 1,000 keycaps and they did
I accidentally deleted the mechakeys sound folder and now no sound works and I reinstalled it many t
mouse not working
how can i make it so my friends can hear it in games and i can hear it at the same time
why cant i hear the keys
Theme Sharing Hub
how do i disable the mouse sounds i have one equipped and ion want it
MechaKeys V2
Robolab Discord idk
I can't run it anymore :'(
quick question
i linked my account and i didint get any keycaps
Last Weeks leaderboard doesn't show how many keystrokes you made
how to reach levels
letter not received
How do I make it where mechakeys works in discord vc
Im having trouble linking my account
how can in get my username back if i dont have access to my email
mecha keys discord link
Acount sync
There is no sound when I click the keyboard or mouse.
what are the best mechakeys for fortnite and valorant pls
How do you connect this to Discord directly?
i got 10k but it does not let me claim
I forgot what email i used
i have 2 mil keystrokes but it says iam 80%
Is there a way to stop MechaKeys from displaying as my Discord status?
how i can cuostum my Mechakeys
can everyone like this post for fun plz
i link my account in discor and i dont cal a kyecap
i did not get my keycaps
my mecha keys does not work on valorant
Can't Link Account
what the
i have 2m keystrokes but it dint let me claim
Didn't Receive 100k Keystrokes Reward
100 keycaps
Help with Keystrokes
i havent got my mecha keys for getting top 100
Have you guys found anyways to solve this problem on mac?
Robo-bot not DMing to my DM.
I lost my email
How can i get roles?
i ave a probleme
Can't get onto the website
did not get the 100 strokes for linking my discord acc
Can't link account
no sounds heard windows 10
Re-Link Account
add the sound to my dc mic
i have 1.1M clicks and i can not get 1M
i need help i cant link mi discord account with mecha-keys
I need help with mechakeys
Help me
hi can someone help me link my discord account ? in my emails i didnt get a link
never got my rewards for my keystrokes
What are the thockiest switches?
MechaKeys crashing my pc most likely
I can't use any sound
message for admins on my account
After a few seconds of not clicking/typing, the next sound is muffled.
input delay/weird mouse movement
If I update my mechakeys to the newer one, will I lose my keycaps?
Keystrokes Disappeared (TL;DR Don't refresh & Quit App Properly)
Whenever i click my mouse, it registers as a keystroke instead of a click
Linking account error
Is There A Way To Make It So People In Discord VC Can Hear Mecha-Keys Sounds??
im recording an asmr vid for minecraft. but i can hear the sound but obs or xbox gbar doesnt record
Is there a boost reward?
How can i sync this acc to my mecha keys account since I lost the other account of discord
Discord role "linked with discord" but the application doesn't detect the discord ID
Keyboard Sounds Not working
Autoclicker - Mouse Sounds
i dont know how to get keycaps
Instaling, please wait.
how do i do so my obs studio can hear my mechakeys?
Keystrokes not saving
I cant use mechakeys in Minecraft
Internal Server Error
I cant log in
I got logged out of mechakeys, and I don't remember my username and apperantly I didn't use my only
why dont the mouse sounds workon mechakeys v2
How to change email on mechakey
Windows protected my pc?
More clicksound
Mechakey Increased my sensibility on Minecraft
For adding to mechakeys...
help me
not making sounds for my mac 13
Can leak my Account
i put gmal instead of gmail now how do i change it
how to link a new account?
Bug with the sensitivity in games
ive tried mechakeys on roblox but the sounds dont work
my account is linked to a discord account that i dont own anymore
Rounding issue in robo-bot
My sounds wont work
Community store release date?
i cant download mecha keys!!!
new sound effect idea
Problem with linking Discord account into Mechakeys
can't hear the sound in my clips
Please choose the game for which you would like to have Mechakeys disabled.
I know i just made a ticket but I forgot to ask y’all sm
Typing test sometimes does not detect keypresses?
i cant find the email, i searched in the junk and spam inbox and its not there
Help me !!
how do i turn off the background thing when i use mechakeys
Certain language keyboard layouts result in double sounds
New mouse sounds
Can I refund sounds?
doesnt have sounds (mac intel)
my name its "invalide"
Waiting for the 100 keycaps for joining the cord?
Mac (ARM) Doesn't work
Why You guys not add more keyboard sound
Hi, the bot cannot find my username.
everytime i run mechakeys this happens
why cant i hear my mouse clicks???
The password requires an uppcase,lowercase,number and special character
Mechakeys store
Keystrokes are not synced
i didnt get my keycaps when i linked my discord
Having trouble linking account
i need help
I didnt get an email sent to me
Trying to copy my username
Keystrokes not doing sync
I bought a sound and didnt get it (Omnipoint A)
when i link my mechakeys account to discord its dont work in mechakeys my username Luchifad
certificate has expired
i cant sign up
problems starting the app
Doesn’t work in steam
yesterday i clicked about almost 500k and i woke up its all gone
Is #link-your-account not working?
I can't sync my data
Specialized Full Stack Developer is here!!
Role Color
Error when linking
i cant link
i dont get a mail
cant hear the sound in the in the keyboard
Mouse not working
i don't know how to level up
V2 Version keeps trying to install an update?
can you create me an acc
create acc
I cant link my account
how do I get xp?
does not detect my soundpack
butterfly clicking in mechakeys
cant claim
cant claim
the bot dosent "find" my username
Bug: Notifications cannot be closed, when clicking under them
When i use the app while playing a high fps game the sound keeps cutting out
Didnt get email to verify
Is v2 better than the thing i doownloaded before joining the discord?
A JavaScript error occurred in the main process
When i use the app whilst playing games such as Valorant my mouse slows down?
How do i redeem the 100 keycaps linking my discord?
Can am buy a keycaps with blik?
it doesnt show the email to link the account
Enter fortnite and i dont listen the keys
Store discord
My keys dont go up after playing a game.
logs out everytime for no reason
No sound
lost all soundpacks
Performance InGame
ayuda por favor no me detecta el teclado, me aparece `not sync keystrokes`
i cant link my acc
New idea.
linked accounts
no keystrokes or sounds when i click or type
i cant link my account
I cant claim rewards
"Forbidden" when i try to login
No rewards for leaderboard?
Cant link my Mechakeys account to discord.
i prees dowloand and shes dont dowloading the soundpack
what do i get if I boost server
answer overflow setup
ERROR: Maximum call stack exceeded
please help me when i type it doesnt sound
Windows protected my pc
Mechakeys v2 question.
Why wont it open anymore
how does the giveaway work
macro report
What's the best way to get keycaps
v2 version download issue
help about old account
cant log in
Apps is gone
🎃 Happy Halloween 🎃
I can't seem to login to MechaKeys anymore with my account?
Posting rules and guides