19 Replies
cc @Halu
hi the app can launch so im assuming it works?
Halu will have to talk with you further because he can make builds for the mac version
I would assume that you tried to download and set a sound, and that you haven't disabled any sounds via the Settings page, right

Interesting, yeah def give halu a shout when he's online, should be a couple hours or so
wait uh
When i press the play button i can hear sounds
its just when i type there isnt any sounds
Do your keystrokes increase when you type?
lemme check
Gotcha. def weird
with macos 13 there isnt a way to force enable keystrokes recording, not that i know of
Ok ive fixed it somehow
to help others this was the issue
sometimes the popup dosent appear by itself
so u need to go into accesbility settings
and try to open it up yourself
allow mechakeys
and its fixed
ive been ramming my keyboard for the past 2 hours and now it dosent work 😭

yea ,it should prompt you when you open the app for the first time. but that understandably easy to click past.
I’ll see if i can add detection for that. thx
in settings, what is your version number?
you’ll want to be sure its 2.3.5 and that syncing is on in the settings
yea it is
it is 2.3.5
Now i need to jitterclick all the way back again
is it all working then?
i’ll comp you for the inconvenience
<:robo_sync:791405691368898561> and you should have more keycaps now
If this dosent work for anyone, give the app root/administrator permissions.
in terminal
chmod +x ( directory of ur mechakeys app )
enter ur password
restart mechakeys
it will work now