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Created by halu on 6/27/2024 in #support
SOLVED: createLazyMemo Broken?
11 replies
Created by halu on 6/20/2024 in #support
SOLVED: Non-Reactive Memo for Reactive Values?
I wish to perform a memoized calculation on demand rather than optimistically. Here we see createMemo running optimistically: https://playground.solidjs.com/anonymous/63165594-60fe-4ff2-966f-620574dd5761 Here i've solved the problem by manually tracking the dirty state and determining whether to recalc or just return at call time: https://playground.solidjs.com/anonymous/21a6530b-632c-46df-80d6-48ddd75ba665 I'm fine with this solution, but i just wanted to check that i'm not missing anything obvious
13 replies
Created by halu on 5/30/2024 in #support
SOLVED: Trigger Side Effects on a Callbacks Dependency Updates
I'm connecting a live feed to solid and currently trying to apply a filter. I filter the feed as it comes in, but if the filter function changes or a reactive value under its scope updates, I need to re-filter from scratch. I'm not sure how to do this...
// 3rd Party Cache
let feed_cache = new Map<string, FeedItem>()

let [filter_user, set_filter_user] = createSignal<User|undefined>()
let [filter_fn, replace_filter] = createSignal((item: FeedItem) => {
// if filter user set, show just their messages. else, show everyones.
return filter_user() ? item.sender === filter_user().id : true

function live_filter(filter) {
const filter_feed = new ReactiveMap<string, InstanceType<T>>()

// 3rd Party Fn populates cache
Feed.onInsert((key:string, item: FeedItem)=>{
if (filter()(item)) {
filter_feed.set(key, item)

// pseudo-code
watchDeep(filter, ()=>{
// if someone runs "set_filter_user" or "replace_filter",
// this should run:
for (let [key, value] of feed_cache) {
if(filter()(value)) filter_feed.set(key, value)

return filter_feed

let filtered_feed = live_filter(filter_fn)
// 3rd Party Cache
let feed_cache = new Map<string, FeedItem>()

let [filter_user, set_filter_user] = createSignal<User|undefined>()
let [filter_fn, replace_filter] = createSignal((item: FeedItem) => {
// if filter user set, show just their messages. else, show everyones.
return filter_user() ? item.sender === filter_user().id : true

function live_filter(filter) {
const filter_feed = new ReactiveMap<string, InstanceType<T>>()

// 3rd Party Fn populates cache
Feed.onInsert((key:string, item: FeedItem)=>{
if (filter()(item)) {
filter_feed.set(key, item)

// pseudo-code
watchDeep(filter, ()=>{
// if someone runs "set_filter_user" or "replace_filter",
// this should run:
for (let [key, value] of feed_cache) {
if(filter()(value)) filter_feed.set(key, value)

return filter_feed

let filtered_feed = live_filter(filter_fn)
I'd prefer to not filter over the whole map for every insert, but idk how to detect those deep changes like "set_filter_user".
181 replies
Created by halu on 2/23/2024 in #support
Solid-Router: "named views" equivalent?
What would be the solid-router equivalent of vue-routers "named views"? https://router.vuejs.org/guide/essentials/named-views
path: '/',
component: MainLayout,
children: [
path: 'home',
components: {
default: Home,
sideBar: DefaultSideBar
path: 'store',
components: {
default: Store,
sideBar: StoreSideBar
path: '/',
component: MainLayout,
children: [
path: 'home',
components: {
default: Home,
sideBar: DefaultSideBar
path: 'store',
components: {
default: Store,
sideBar: StoreSideBar
Found this, but idk that i want to use a 2 year abandoned repo https://github.com/SupertigerDev/solid-named-router
19 replies
Created by halu on 12/20/2023 in #mechakeys-help
Offline Mode
Brainstorming how this might work
6 replies
Created by halu on 10/4/2023 in #mechakeys-help
Let Others Hear
you’ll prob get better help asking virtual audio cable communities such as VB-audio (producers of VB-Cable and VoiceMeeter) https://discord.com/invite/vb-audio-755690270795890739 There’s nothing about setting this up that’s specific to Mechakeys and its not an area we have any expertise in
2 replies
Created by halu on 9/19/2023 in #support
Integrate External, Read-Only Data Source Into Reactive System
Suppose the following:
// Hypothetical external data
let externalData = new Map()
EventEmitter.emit("dataChanged", /*no event info*/)

// My problem...
function externMemo (externData) {
EventEmitter.on("dataChanged", ()=>/*trigger getter refetch & dom update*/ )
let getter = ()=>{
// ...
return externData

return getter

// Hypothetical Component
let component = () => {
let reactiveData = externMemo(externalData)
return (
{reactiveData().values() /*returns current externalData values*/}
// Hypothetical external data
let externalData = new Map()
EventEmitter.emit("dataChanged", /*no event info*/)

// My problem...
function externMemo (externData) {
EventEmitter.on("dataChanged", ()=>/*trigger getter refetch & dom update*/ )
let getter = ()=>{
// ...
return externData

return getter

// Hypothetical Component
let component = () => {
let reactiveData = externMemo(externalData)
return (
{reactiveData().values() /*returns current externalData values*/}
How do I get that external event to trigger DOM updates and recall the getter? https://playground.solidjs.com/anonymous/c937bc30-3d80-432c-814b-956ee3b58efa
12 replies
Created by halu on 7/22/2023 in #mechakeys-help
For the sake of the leader board and reward integrity, Robo implemented an anticheat system on the server. If this system suspects anything, it will reject those keystrokes during sync. For that reason and for those who do not wish to sync at all, we have implemented keystrokes that only count on your computer (offline-strokes). This means if syncing was rejected or you turn off syncing, those keystrokes will not count toward rewards.
2 replies
Created by halu on 3/16/2023 in #mechakeys-help
ERROR: Maximum call stack exceeded
@Gabyxyz I got an error report from your app, is it performing okay?
1 replies
Created by halu on 10/31/2022 in #mechakeys-help
🎃 Happy Halloween 🎃
4 replies