MechaKeys17mo ago

Referral code for creators

If possible make a referral feature for creators. It doesn't even have to be in real money but just with keycaps since creators that are trying to review the software or just like using it in general don't really have the time to grind all of the keycaps it would be great to have a referral option. (btw im creators)
15 Replies
halu17mo ago
will look into it and see what i can do @fero v2.robolab.io/page&ref=mechakeysUser if visitor downloads gift mechakeysUser some amount biggest issue is exploitation and potential to expose an api…
fero17mo ago
yea i have no idea how to protect it unless we have a way to make it all serverside
halu17mo ago
even then, how do we meaningfully differentiate different visitors? i dont even think fingerprinting would work in a situation like this its trivial in a site that requires to log in, which we are not. would also be doable if we could mark the installer and handle it all in app but im not sure that’s possible either custom installer time /s
fero17mo ago
we just have to add an input in the app itself to put the referral, not in the website
halu17mo ago
maybe possible to download to the site, use jszip/adm-zip to insert file or tag file then download. on download, check if tag exists. I really don’t wanna do that tho alternatively, set up our own file host, handle all that on the backend. (which i still don’t want to do) hard to do without backend access (need to ensure each user can only use 1 referral) also its too easy to create a new user and continually send urself referrals
fero17mo ago
yea pain
Or just make a discord channel to apply for keycaps as creators and if you get accepted you get as much keycaps as you need
halu17mo ago
yea thats better lul
fero17mo ago
or restrict to paid users
halu17mo ago
i can prob do it with nsis if there were a fast way to edit the assets on/before download (rip other platforms kek) guess we advertise Make a Vid and Claim reward on discord or get a keycap loan to make review
With time limit, e.g. you have 7 days to make a vid and after that your keycaps are gone
markoOP17mo ago
Maybe check the device id so people dont make alot of accounts? Like 1 account per device can redeem a referral code
halu17mo ago
that's called fingerprinting, to get around it all you gotta do is make ur network request look different, which is pretty easy its useful for tracking unassuming people using a browser, but not as useful for exploit prevention on an api endpoint
fero17mo ago
see if we set up sentry and datadog we wouldnt be in this issue 🙄 /s? ill think about it maybe i can get a basic mockup on the website real quick kek nevermind what im thinking of is just asking 4 abuse 😔
halu17mo ago

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