Missing Keyboard Soundpacks
I redowloaded Mecha-Keys but i dont have any of my already bought keydounds and i have over 300k Keystrokes. How do i get them back?
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13 Replies
did you not sign into the same account?
srfox Keystrokes:
srfox Last Synced: 31 minutes ago
|| 1727195966137
srfox Avatar Code: default
srfox Keycaps: 300
srfox Keycaps Bought: 0
srfox Gottee: 0
srfox Linked: Yes
srfox Achievements JSON: Data is from
I did :((
4 achievements isn’t enough to buy all those and you haven’t purchased any. sooo…
I remember having the Cream one and the Gateron Red
As you can see, i have over 300k Keytrokes
keycaps are the “currency” which is different than keystrokes
I know, what im tryng to say is that if i have 300 keystrokes, i suppose to have 600 Keycaps that i already used to buy those key sounds, so, how do i get my key sounds back
If you own the pack, just click download
if you don’t see set/download then you don’t own the pack
When i click download it only let me test it, when i should have it cus i boght it, why is it not working?
I literally been using them on stream, i had to reset my whole pc, i downladed mecha keys again, get into my account but dont have them anymore
what your claiming doesn’t make sense
100 ac_1000
100 ac_10000
500 ac_100000
100 ac_discordLink
+ =========
so I’m assuming you bought copper or box white soundpack or both ink reds? those would cost 500 and would put you at 300.
creams alone cost 700.
the other gat red is also expensive.
<@!710346446955872266> was awarded 3000 keycaps!
I can award some on account of being a streamer, but ur claims otherwise leave me skeptical
if you think there is a bug, a screenshot or recording would be helpful in clarifying what you are experiencing
Oh, i cant sent link i guess. I was tryng to share an old clip of me using the Cream Key Sound that proof i had it
Basically, you get 100 keycaps at 1000 keystrokes, then you get 500 at 100,000 keystrokes, wich mean i would have 700, right?, so that would at least make me affort Cream Key Sound, so, the thing is that login into the same account, it says i have 320,000 keystrokes, wich means i alrady did the last challenges i mentioned and i should have 0 keycaps but my Cream Key Sound. So maybe all this its an account bug or somthing.
And i I appreciate it the 3000 keycaps. Thank you! :rakufoLove: