11 Replies
if your getting that message then the email is being sent.
there are two reasons you may not be seeing it:
1. it went to your spam folder.
2. you spelt your email wrong when registering your account.
if its the latter, you can check your email in settings on V2 otherwise you can attempt to make an account again with the same email (it will be rejected if spelt correctly as emails are unique)
everythings right
my email took like 2 days to send
@Captain Halu i tried both of these methoods and it still doesnt work
@Captain Halu is there a way to change my email?
unfortunately your email essentially is the account. so the only way to change that is to make a new account
>p 969930440876097596
<a:red_siren:812813923522183208> <@969930440876097596> needs to link their account to view keystrokes!
>p 969930440876097596
who is your email provider?
is that what u meant?