MechaKeys•3y ago

v2 version download issue

when i download the mechakeys v2 version with the new installer i got no problems, but when i open up new mechakeys version the app doesn't open, however it appears in process manager with the new icon. what can i do?
4 Replies
Dragzx•3y ago
You should reinstall the app, and when it launches again do not press the UNPIN from Taskbar option on the mechakeys icon you see in the task tray, as this breaks the app, we're still looking into the issue.
MoldyOP•3y ago
i reinstalled it but not worked, i also tried to uninstall mechakeys and reinstall the new version but not worked..
fero•3y ago
@Moldy Can you try going to %localappdata%/Programs/mechakeys in your file manager and delete the .media folder inside? then just start the app normally. should clear any settings that hide the app to your tray.
MoldyOP•3y ago
ok it worked thanks a lot 😄

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