major performance issues

Sometimes the app dosent wanna work right and lags key sounds just normally every now and then, also sometimes consistently with spikes of lag where it straight up stops playing sounds for a sec and mass catches back up in an inf loop till i restart the app. When streaming its 100x worse like unusable bad theres like 60-100ms constantly and its working very inconsistenlly.
7 Replies
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Unknown User9mo ago
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.liflyOP9mo ago
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Unknown User9mo ago
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halu9mo ago
You might want to increase the apps priority in task manager. the other causes for this involves flooding inputs: - mouse polling rate is too high - ur using and auto-clicker or some other input assistant
.liflyOP9mo ago
this dosent happen to mechvibes at all it reads my inputs fine while streaming even my polling rate is only 1khz and i dont use auto clickers soo its like somehwere around 28-35nps+ for when i think without streaming where it starts happening normally which is not to hard for the game i play when streaming the spike/"flooding" happens at more like 20-25+nps iirc the app somehow manages to use 30% of my cpu sometimes this might have only been when it was consistently lagging till restart kinda thing weird now its working fine i think for now atleast i dident even do anything the other day vc ss was lagging it but now its not atleast way less frequent maybe it just takes a min to start again
halu9mo ago
mechvibes is essentially the same tech under the hood. it would be weird for them to behave differently. 1khz might be a tad much depending on ur computer. I’ll try some different tech to see if anything else performs better and i’ll see if theres a way to detect this flooding/back-pressure situation in future versions. i dont have any immediate fixes tho aside from what was already mentioned
.liflyOP9mo ago

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