MechaKeys2y ago

When i use the app whilst playing games such as Valorant my mouse slows down?

If i have the program open/trayed my mouse sens feels significantly lower than usual. i have a razer 8khz and was wondering if it was an issue with that or something. Is this normal is there a fix for this?
7 Replies
fero2y ago
Try using v2 #v2-download
SIIOP2y ago
it still the same i don't know why it does this
Max Verstoppen
Try turning the app as administrator
SIIOP2y ago
mb for late response but nope again it my be a fault on my end so ill just try and work it myself ty for help tho
halu2y ago
if you dont have any games or other apps open, does just mechakeys still affect the mouse? I am curious of games with anticheat are more likely to experience these issue given its pretty much a redundant process per input
SIIOP2y ago
this might be it because it does tend to be only in like val that i experience this nope
halu2y ago
This is good to know thank you

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