Unable to apply theme (on Mac at least)

The themes page is completely blank and dragging and dropping the json file doesn't work Custom themes option is already turned on
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12 Replies
halu12mo ago
the page failed to mount? thats unusual. Did it ever work or did you submit something that broke it?
Andy Huỳnh
Andy HuỳnhOP12mo ago
no, it has never worked it has been empty all this time but I only tried to use it now when I found out about the themes on the server
halu12mo ago
Could you send me the log file (go to bottom of settings page to find it) and maybe the userData/userConfig.json which is also in the appData folder
Andy Huỳnh
Andy HuỳnhOP12mo ago
what is the mac equivalent of that directory
halu12mo ago
oh right should be ~/Library/Application Support/mechakeys/.media/mecha.log ~/Library/Application Support/mechakeys/userData/userConfig.json
Andy Huỳnh
Andy HuỳnhOP12mo ago
it's actually /Users/<yourname>/something something but ok
halu12mo ago
~ represents the home directory which is equivalent to /Users/<yourname> thx for sending hmm, welp the log didn't catch the error and the config file works on my mac so i'm not sure... Possible routes to fix: 1. close app. delete ~/Library/Application Support/mechakeys/userData and ~/Library/Application Support/mechakeys/.media. run again 2. uninstall, ensure ~/Library/Application Support/mechakeys is deleted, and reinstall
Andy Huỳnh
Andy HuỳnhOP12mo ago
ok but I do have a question though the mecha.log file is in the same folder as the json file is that what’s causing the problem, maybe?
halu12mo ago
oh my bad, thats is the correct location i had an old log file left over, i changed the location at some point
Andy Huỳnh
Andy HuỳnhOP12mo ago
omg it worked the first solution
halu12mo ago
good to know, thx for getting back to us

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