41 Replies
have you synced and/or restarted mechakeys?
i have the linked role
but i didnt get the caps
just to make sure, closing mechakeys with the X doesnt actually close it, it hides it to the tray, make sure to close it fully
i ctr + R and task manager ended task
wuts ur mechakeys username?

it says ur already linked to
do u know the email?
i do not
if you are able to log in to that account, you can check tho
so did u make this software?
i made the client(V2), not the service
wtf does that mean, i have only used css, js, and html
anything you can click is mine, anything that happens over the internet is someone else
how do you do that
what languages?
he's a developer here as well, we just have different roles
thats it?
pretty much
that is admirable
its convenient
i got in btw thanks
glad to hear
go to the ⚙️ settings
and you shuld be able to see the email
im sorry i had one last question
I cant hear the audio while im playing
@Halu @inxanedev
run mechakeys as administrator
i did
🤲@sprintvfx grabbed :minikeycap:11!
i never got the caps
run as admin should work
make sure you fully quit (prob from tray if using default settigns)
wdym default settings
its not realtime, <:robo_sync:791405691368898561> and they should appear
tray mode is the default, but you can disable that which could change the X button behavior (Hide window vs close app)
I fixed the sound
u are a big help thx
np, thats wut we're here for
how do i lvl up fast
claiming daily, praying, talking to members, etc.
how many caps do u have
Halu (<@216317706591272971>) has 26,802 keycaps.
so i bet you have everything
most of them are from talking in the server
how do u make the sounds?
@robloxjuice recorded and made all the soundpacks (as well as the backend and legacy client)
backend and legacy client)?
did robo have all of the keyboards?
we have plans to add a soundpack creator in the near future
so you could make them yourself if you wanted to
i think so
the internet service, account management, database, cdn, etc