linked accounts
id like to know which account is linked to my discord accout, i know ive had another mechakeys account on my other pc but i dont know which account is linked, is there a way i can know ?
8 Replies
it does tell me i am lvl 10 on the discord but i have no rewards on my app, this discord account might be linked to my old mechakeys account, could i change it ?
Nope, we currently don't relink accounts
ive had that mecha keys account for like a year and i always wondered why i didnt get shit for levelling up
is there a way i could find my old account ?
like could i just get the username
i could search for the pw
@halu @fero
i found my alt that is linked to the mecha keys account i currently use
its this one
but ye idk which acc is linked to my main one
>p @mxi
oh yeah I forgot Robobot cant see threads
you should run >p to see what you're linked to on this account
its says MaiSakurajima
so i guess its the account
cant i disconnect in the app ?
nvm i found
ok ive got access to the acc
btw why does claiming rewards spam me
it says
too many keystrokes cheating wtv