Keystrokes not doing sync

For example, I have 30,000 keystrokes, but in Rank, I have 20,000 after sync. For example, why does this happen?
21 Replies
fero2y ago
the leaderboard syncs differently than your account stats. it'll eventually be accurate, but it won't be instant
For half an hour there is a difference of 10,000 and it changes sometimes more sometimes less
fero2y ago
it's normal and expected
So it will end up being the same?
fero2y ago
it will
Okay.. Thank you I had about 100k-130k keystrokes and then I restarted the software and it became 61k What is the reason for this?
halu2y ago
baring cheats
what cheats thanks anyway now i see its working thank you for fast support
halu2y ago
"cheats" as in autoclickers and botting
Im not using any software to cheat for clicks
halu2y ago
we dont really care either way, its purely for the sake of the leaderboard
I just want the software to hear the keyboard I used it right when it came out and now I'm back to it
halu2y ago
I really want to thank you for the perfect development you did, have a good day!
halu2y ago
I appreciate the kind words, you too
I've been getting this message only bc I'm mining clicks It is important to note that I do not use any software to make clicks
halu2y ago
its 100% possible to get this error without a bot (and i dont really care either way) but sill, as of 2.3.5 you shouldn't be getting this message hmmm i still have to look into it tho
It's also true that it doesn't matter if I use the software or not, why would it write this to me anyway I have 2.3.5 tho ok anyway everything works perfectly fine thank you very much
! rique
! rique2y ago
i have 29,379 keystrokes but in rank i have 12,000 keystrokes. Help?
fero2y ago
The leaderboard does not update instantly. Also create your own thread next time please

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